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Bergen County Historical Society : Ontbijkoek A Dutch breakfast Cake

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Historic New Bridge Landing ,River Edge NJ, Friday’s Fare presented by the Bergen County Historical Society was  Ontbijkoek A Dutch breakfast cake spiced with ginger, cloves and nutmeg, then balanced with brown sugar and molasses is a recipe from Elizabeth Piccino [nee du Fossé], 1922-2020. Born in Sluis, Zeeland, The Netherlands, she was an active BCHS member at HNBL events, always attired in traditional Dutch apparel hosting refreshments with her daughter Denice, in the Campbell-Christie House. A member of both the Unicorn Dance Ensemble, and Tricorn Dance & Performing Ensemble; Elizabeth performed & sewed costumes. As a gourmet cook winning several state awards for her baking, she was acknowledged twice by the State of New Jersey and was honored by then Gov. Jon Corzine for her cooking & baking. Ontbijkoek: 2 cups self-rising flour, 1/2 cup brown sugar, 1/3 cup molasses, 1 cup milk, 1 teaspoon each ground cloves and ground ginger, 1/2 ground nutmeg, 1/4 teaspoon salt, and 5 pieces crystallized ginger-chopped up. All mixed together and baked in a well-buttered loaf pan at 300F for around a hour. It’s done when knife inserted in center comes clean. Drizzled icing of powdered sugar and cream fancied it nice for company. Denise tells that Elizabeth baked & served this moist ontbijkoek at home on holidays, so it’s fitting as a cake for New Year’s or 12th Night.

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Chilli and ginger ‘slash the risk of cancer – stopping tumours growing’

Scientists at the American Chemical Society found the compounds capsaicin, from chillis, and 6-gingerol from ginger, cut the risk of lung cancer


8th September 2016, 11:55 am

How hot can you handle your spice?

If you’re one to shy away from the vindaloo, classing yourself as more of a korma-kinda kid, it may be time to man up.

New evidence suggests eating chilli and ginger together could help prevent cancer.