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Hackensack to Create Pollinator Gardens Thanks to Environmental Grant

potted pollinator garden cnnu 860787903

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hackensack NJ, the city of Hackensack’s Environmental Commission is taking strides toward environmental conservation by creating pollinator gardens at the grassy triangular plots of land on Hamilton and Prospect Avenues. This transformation is made possible by a $2,250 Open Space Stewardship Grant from the Association of New Jersey Environmental Commissions (ANJEC), funded by Veolia Water.

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Reader asks Why waste time with concepts like Green Team?


Why waste time with concepts like Green Team? What is the quantifiable benefit to the residents for having LEED certification besides feeling good and trendy? I would hate to hear one day that vets field will be deploying wind mills or solar farms. Instead build a committee that deals directly with the everyday issues of the residents. Since VC is so “busy” working on the large scale issues why not have a group who does the dirty job?