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Downed Power Line Shuts Down Route 208 in Glen Rock

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Glen Rock NJ, a downed high voltage electric power line resulted in an hours long closure of Route 208 in both directions through portions of Fair Lawn, Glen Rock, and Hawthorne on Saturday afternoon, 11/12. The energized line also damaged a section of pavement on the southbound highway in Glen Rock when in fell, which resulted in a lane closure once the highway did finally reopen. Glen Rock Police, Glen Rock Fire Department, Fair Lawn Police, Hawthorne Police, New Jersey State Police, NJDOT, PSE&G Electric Division, and Ridgewood Emergency Services units responded to the incident. Additional power lines in Glen Rock were downed later that day when a tree fell in a wooded area near NJ Transit’s Main Line tracks. Wide area power outages were reported in connection with that mishap.

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Three Hospitalized after Collision at the Intersection of Lincoln Avenue and Loretto Avenue in Hawthorne

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hawthorne NJ, three (3) individuals were hospitalized following a two (2) vehicle, early Wednesday morning, 10/19, collision at the intersection of Lincoln Avenue and Loretto Avenue, on the border of Fair Lawn and Hawthorne. One (1) of the vehicles involved was propelled into the front façade of a nearby Hawthorne restaurant, which was, fortunately, unoccupied at the time. Both heavily damaged vehicles were towed from the scene.

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Hawthorne Crash Sends One to the Hospital Shuts Down Goffle Hill Road Sunday Afternoon

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hawthorne NJ, one (1) person required ambulance transportation to a local hospital following a two (2) vehicle, Sunday afternoon, 09/11, crash in the 500 block of Goffle Hill Road, Hawthorne. The crash resulted in a considerable gasoline and motor oil spill, which required the complete shut down of Goffle Hill Road in the area of Sicomac Avenue. Firefighters from Hawthorne Fire Department deployed a significant quantity of absorbent material on the roadway in an attempt to mitigate the situation. Hawthorne Fire Chief Joseph Speranza also directed his firefighters to take specific actions aimed at protecting a nearby storm water drainage system from contamination. The individual transported by Hawthorne EMS sustained a non-life threatening crash injury. Hawthorne Police conducted the crash investigation and collected that information necessary to process a crash report.

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Fatal Accident on 208 Southbound in Hawthorne Shuts Down Highway for Several Hours on Labor Day

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hawthorne NJ, Route 208 southbound at Grandview Avenue in Hawthorne/Wyckoff was blocked by emergency vehicles for several hours on Labor Day, 09/05, due to a fatal motor vehicle accident. An accident in which a fast moving 4-door sedan careened off of the highway upward, and crashed into a heavily wooded area. One (1) of the vehicle’s occupants was pronounced dead at the scene; the other was transported to a local hospital by the Hawthorne Volunteer Ambulance Corps. Hawthorne Police and Hawthorne Fire Department personnel and equipment also responded to aid the victims. Glen Rock Fire Department, and Wyckoff Fire Department were also called to the scene for assistance. Wyckoff Police helped with traffic control. Passaic County Sheriff’s Office units and the Northern Regional Medical Examiners office’s office responded as well.

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Fallen High Tension Electric Cable Closes Route 208 Near De Boer Drive in Glen Rock

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Glen Rock NJ,A fallen high tension electric cable resulted in the closure of Route 208 near De Boer Drive, Glen Rock late morning and early afternoon on Saturday, 07/30. The “hot” cable also caused several small brush fires along NJ Transit’s Main Line tracks under Route 208. No injuries were reported in connection with the incident, but motor vehicle traffic in the surrounding area was clogged for hours. Glen Rock Police and Glen Rock Fire Department  were assisted by multiple law enforcement and fire suppression agencies in handling the incident.

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Man Beaten and Robbed in Broad Daylight in Glen Rock

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Glen Rock NJ,  a 66-year-old Bergenfield man was assaulted and robbed of his wallet in the parking lot of a De Boer Drive warehouse where he is employed. The man was left lying in the parking lot, as the actor fled the scene. Co-workers who heard his calls for help found him and called 9-1-1. The victim was subsequently transported by the Glen Rock Volunteer Ambulance Corps to Valley Hospital in Ridgewood with non-life-threatening injuries.
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Search for Trespasser Finds Two loaded recently fired handguns in Glen Rock

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Glen Rock NJ, on Wednesday May 25th at 3:31 AM Glen Rock Police Patrols were dispatched to a warehouse on De Boer Drive to investigate a report from workers who had confronted an intruder trespassing inside their work area.  No physical confrontation occurred. The actor had run off towards Harristown Road and Route 208 as police were being summoned.  A search of the area by officers from Glen Rock, Fair Lawn, Hawthorne, and Paterson proved negative.

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Runaway Sanitation Truck in Hawthorne Injuries Three

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook Page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hawthorne NJ, three (3) employees of a sanitation company were injured when their truck crashed through a fence and down a steep embankment into a Passaic County Park after its braking system failed on a steep hill in Hawthorne late Tuesday morning, 04/26. All three (3) were transported by ambulances to local hospitals. Their injuries appeared to have been non-life threatening in nature. The damaged truck was removed from the scene by a heavy-duty tow truck. Hawthorne Police, Hawthorne Fire Department, Hawthorne EMS, and the Passaic County Sheriff’s Office responded to the incident. A portion of Goffle Road was closed to motor vehicle traffic while emergency responders worked at the scene.

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Hawthorne Police Traffic Bureau Advisory: 03/08/2022 Avoid Diamond Bridge Ave Rail Road Crossing between 8:00 am – 12:30 pm.


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hawthorne NJ, Road closure: Expect delays Tuesday March 8, 2022 from 8:00 am until 12:30 pm on Diamond Bridge Ave between Grand Ave and Royal Ave.  NYSW will be installing new equipment to enhance the railroad crossing. Please use alternate routes to navigate downtown, follow detours and road closure signs. Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.

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Hawthorne Clamps Down on Illegal Parking

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hawthorne NJ, the Hawthorne Police are clamping down on illegal parking . Hawthorne Police Traffic Bureau parking enforcement sent out an advisory. Please follow parking laws in the borough.

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Hawthorne Police Traffic Bureau School safety advisory, When dropping off and picking up at schools


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hawthorne NJ, Hawthorne Police Traffic Bureau community advisory. When dropping off and picking up at schools, please follow the school plan for drop off and pickup. Crossing Guards are in place for the safety of the children, and the upmost priority is safety of the children crossing. Crossing guards are parents, grandparents aunts and uncles etc. Please obey traffic laws and speed limits, both in school zones and in neighborhoods surrounding. Parking within 25ft. of crosswalk, 50ft. of stop signs double parking, loading and unloading of children from vehicles in unauthorized areas will be enforced by police.

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Intersection Crash in Hawthorne Drives One Vehicle into a House

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hawthorne NJ, the impact of a two (2) vehicle, Sunday afternoon, 01/09, crash at the intersection of Hawthorne Avenue and Warburton Avenue in Hawthorne propelled one of vehicles into a nearby residential structure. The adult female driver of that vehicle, a Honda HR-V, sustained a non-life threatening leg injury and was transported by Hawthorne EMS to The Valley Hospital for treatment. A flatbed tow truck removed the damaged Honda from the scene. Damage to the structure was light to moderate. Hawthorne Police, Hawthorne Fire Department, and Hawthorne EMS personnel and vehicles responded to the incident.

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Driver Escapes from Glen Rock Pickup Truck Fire

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Glen Rock NJ, a late Saturday morning, 01/08, well-involved pickup truck fire on Grandview Avenue, Glen Rock was extinguished by firefighters from Glen Rock and Hawthorne Fire Company #4. The vehicle’s driver escaped safely just after the blaze started and was uninjured. Hawthorne Police assisted Glen Rock Police with traffic control. The pickup was a total loss and was removed from the scene by a flatbed tow truck.

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Hawthorne Police : If, you leave your keys in the car, consider filling it with angry bees to surprise the car thief

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 the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Hawthorne NJ , according to Hawthorne Police ,four cars have been stolen from retail parking lots in town in the last month. Two in the last 12 hours. Couple of points:

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