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New Jersey Judge Suspended Over TikTok Videos: What Happened and Why It Matters

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hackensack NJ, the New Jersey Supreme Court has suspended a Bergen County judge from judicial office for three months, following accusations of inappropriate behavior on social media. Judge Gary N. Wilcox was found to have violated three judicial conduct rules by posting a series of TikTok videos that were deemed inappropriate. His suspension, which is without pay, will last from October 8, 2024, to January 8, 2025.

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Reader says I completely agree the teacher at BF posting all over Facebook about Ridgewood Full-day Kindergarten is Inappropriate

REA Members come out to greet our Board of Ed

I completely agree with the comment regarding the teacher at BF posting all over Facebook. Inappropriate, to say the least. You don’t want her for a teacher anyway. There is a reason why she teaches electives……..

I will also be voting “NO”. Work within the budget. If we are going to spend money anywhere it should be at the high school. Can’t imagine the horror of these toddler parents when their kids get to RHS and they discover their kids coming home with xeroxed copies of books, no subs, and no place for their kids to eat lunch other than the hallways or gym bleachers. They will then understand why their pleas have been met with such resistance.