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“Veterans for Garrett” Debuts Leadership Team

September 7th 2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hackensack NJ,  Rep. Scott Garrett today announced the Veterans for Garrett coalition and unveiled its district-wide leadership team. The members of Veterans for Garrett are all actively involved in various veterans’ affairs and veterans’ organizations, and include Roy Bud, a Bergen County Vietnam Veteran; Frank Crotty, a Bergen County Vietnam Veteran; Fmr. Assembly Majority Leader Paul DiGaetano, United States Navy; William Dobbins, a Warren County Vietnam Veteran; Senator Michael Doherty, Captain United States Army; Patty Green; Col. John “Jack” O’Neil (Ret.); Lt. Col. Larry Peterson (Ret.); and Bob Salvini.

“The sacrifices made by these brave men and women are the reason we are able to enjoy our freedom and liberty today,” said Rep. Scott Garrett. “I am incredibly honored that the members of this coalition have agreed to join me in this re-election effort so that I may continue to serve those who have served our state and our nation.”

In an open letter addressed to fellow veterans, Veterans for Garrett said, “We are dedicated to the appropriate recognition of all veterans for the sacrifices they have made on behalf of our great nation and to assuring prompt and proper medical care for them upon their return to civilian life. Thus, we are proud to announce our support for Congressman Scott Garrett and it is our hope that he will be able to count on your support as well.”

The letter also detailed Congressman Garrett’s impressive record of working vigorously on behalf of America’s veterans, which includes the following:

Scott Garrett helped lead the New Jersey Congressional delegation in ensuring reduced waiting time for medical attention and to improve the care provided by the Veterans’ Administration.
Scott Garrett has strongly supported the Veterans Choice Program allowing veterans to seek care outside of the VA system if they choose.
Scott Garrett co-sponsored the VA Accountability Act, authorizing the discharge of employees at the VA for poor job performance or misconduct.
Scott Garrett is a co-sponsor of the Toxic Exposure Research Act which establishes a national VA center to study and treat the long-term problems experienced by veterans and their children as a result of exposure to toxic chemicals.
Most significantly for veterans in Sussex and Warren Counties, New Jersey, Scott Garrett has been the moving force behind the VA’s decision to open a new VA Clinic in Newton, making VA care much more accessible to veterans in Northwest New Jersey.
On behalf of the first responders suffering from medical conditions related to the September 11th terrorist attacks, Scott Garrett is a proud co-sponsor of the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act.

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Rep Scott Garrett meets with Jon Stewart to discuss the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act

Scott Garrett and Jon Stewart
September 25,2015

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Earlier this month Rep Scott Garrett meet with 9/11 activist Jon Stewart to discuss the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act, created to help fist responders and survivors of the 9/11 terror attacks.

Garrett had remarked on 9/11 ,” It has been 14 years since a horrific Tuesday morning in September forever changed the lives of every American. While the scars will always remain, we will never forget.

We will never forget those we lost. We will never forget those who ran into danger to help their fellow man and woman. We will never forget that evil forces still conspire to destroy our very way of life. And we will never forget those who sacrifice everything to defend our freedom.”

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Garrett went on , “In the midst of chaos, in our hour of need, brave first responders saw the horrors of the September 11th terrorist attacks unfold before them, and they ran toward the danger to help their fellow man and woman. Today, they need us, and I’m proud to once again extend my gratitude to these heroes by urging my colleagues to support the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act.

Thanks to Jon Stewart, a longtime advocate for this cause, my Congressional colleagues, and the 9/11 first responders who came to Washington, D.C. today to spread the word about this important legislation.