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Saddle River Traffic Stop Yields a Cache of Illicit Drugs, and an Automatic Handgun with High Capacity Magazine

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Saddle River NJ, a late Friday morning, 09/09, motor vehicle stop by a Saddle River Police patrol officer yielded a cache of illicit drugs, along with an automatic handgun equipped with a high capacity magazine, all found hidden in a small SUV tightly packed with clothing and dozens of other personal items. Saddle River Police enlisted the aid of a Waldwick Police patrol unit, and a K-9 Unit from the Bergen County Sheriff’s Office to conduct a thorough search the older model Honda CRV with Alabama license plates that was pulled over by their officer on a side street off of Route 17 southbound in Waldwick.

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NJ State Police Arrest Eight Suspects and Dismantle Central New Jersey Human Trafficking Network

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Trenton NJ,  the New Jersey State Police have arrested eight suspects for allegedly operating a human trafficking network in Central New Jersey. During a four-month investigation, detectives discovered that the suspects smuggled female victims into the country and forced them into prostitution.

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