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Parent Company of Kings Supermarket Accepts Purchase Bid, Files For Bankruptcy

kings ridgewood

the staff of the Ridgewod blog

Ridgewood NJ, KB US Holdings, Inc. (“KB or the Company”), parent company of the Kings Food Markets and Balducci’s Food Lover’s Market subsidiary banners, today announced it has accepted a stalking horse bid from TLI Bedrock to purchase the Company for $75 million. To facilitate an orderly sale, KB and its subsidiaries have commenced voluntary Chapter 11 proceedings in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York (the “Court”).

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Ridgewood Police Respond to Pick Pocket at Kings Supermarket

file photo by Boyd Loving
May 5th,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood Police report that on Saturday, April 30, patrol responded to Kings Supermarket for the report of a wallet stolen from a purse. The victim reported that she was distracted by a man who started asking her questions. When she asked the man to reach for a product from the top shelf, he reached into her purse and removed her wallet. The man left the Ridgewod store prior to patrols arrival. The Detective Bureau is investigating.

It is important to note that this is the same modus operandi that has been reported in Paramus by Paramus Police .On April 19th the Ridgewood blog reported , “The Paramus Police Department is looking to identify a crew of pickpockets that target women’s handbags while the victim is shopping. “

We would like to remind people of some simple tips to avoid being a victim of these crimes:

Don’t leave your purse in your grocery cart as you shop. The first photo shows the actors hand in the victims purse

Don’t hang your purse on the back of your chair at restaurants. Keep it between your feet.

Use handbags that have a zipper or a flap that latches. Carry it with the flap side towards you.

Carry your purse in front of you.

Don’t hang your purse on the hook on the bathroom stall door and don’t sit it on the floor within arm’s reach. Set your purse at your feet or on a shelf that is midway up the stall wall.

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Kings Supermarket to acquire liquor license


Kings Supermarket to acquire liquor license
April 8,2014
Boyd A. Loving
12:04 PM

Ridgewood NJ, The staff of the Ridgewood Blog has learned that Kings Supermarket has reached agreement with the owner of Cervino’s Wine Cottage to acquire Cervino’s liquor license.

Cervino’s, located on Chestnut Street between Franklin and East Ridgewood Avenues, will reportedly close its doors in conjunction with transfer of the license.

Terms of the sale were not immediately disclosed.

The license transfer is subject to approval by State and Village officials.

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