>Last night’s candidate forum was very well attended. Almost every seat in the Education Center venue was taken.
Notables observed in the audience included: Mayor Dave Pfund, Assistant to the Village Manager Janet Fricke, BOE President Joe Vallerini, BOE VP Bob Hutton, BOE member Sheila Brogan, former BOE Presidents Mark Bombace & Charlie Reilly, and Fire Department Lieutenant Chris Duflocq.
The following topics generated the most spirited discussion and disagreement between the challengers (Paul Aronsohn, Keith Killion, Anne Zusy) and incumbents (Jacques Harlow, Betty Wiest):
Parking Garage – build it or not?
CCTV Cameras In Downtown Business District – justified via crime statistics?
Pease Library – restore & retain public use, or renovate & lease?
Potential Sale of Village Owned Assets – sell water company & waste water treatment plant or retain?
Questions related to passage of the school budget and the expansion of Valley Hospital issues were also fielded by the five candidates.
The event produced no clear “winners” or “losers,” but did give all of those in attendance a good opportunity to see & hear the candidates in person.