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Casual Hookups in a Small Town vs Big City: Similarities and Differences

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Life in a big city is different from life in a small town in every possible way. But people are still people regardless of where they live. People still have the same desires.And among those desires are dates and hookups.

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Dating Problems of Plus-Size People and How to Fix Them

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Chubby people have at all times faced judgment, humiliation, and isolation. And even if nowadays the body positivity movement balances the situation to a certain extent and shows how to make a difference, many overweight people still cannot find their place in this world and consider themselves outcasts.

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Tinder Dating App to Add Background Checks

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the a staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The owner of massive dating apps Tinder and Match has just announced a new partnership to help keep its users safe. Match Group, which owns Tinder, Match, OK Cupid, Hinge and several other services, has made an investment in Garbo, a non-profit, female-founded background check platform. As part of the deal, Garbo’s platform will be available to people using Match Group apps, starting with Tinder later this year.

The platform collects data about people from numerous sources and returns information about any arrests, convictions, restraining orders, harassment, or violent crimes. Most times, only a first name and a phone number is required. How Garbo will be integrated into Match Group’s apps remains to be seen.