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Murray Sabrin , “property taxes are coercive levies on citizens to pay for schools, roads, police and other activities of local governments”

Murray Sabrin


I sent the following letter to The Record the other day about property taxes.

Regarding “Property taxes as charity debated” (Page 1A, January 15″):

The article unwittingly highlights the intellectual confusion – and bankruptcy – of the tax debate in America. First, property taxes are coercive levies on citizens to pay for schools, roads, police and other activities of local governments. In other words, homeowners have no choice but to pay for services they may not want nor “consume” in their local community.

Second, charitable contributions are voluntary payments to organizations that the donor believes is meeting a noble goal. Nonprofit organizations have a long history of serving the needs of people going back to colonial times. It is this ethos that is one of the foundations of America’s experiment as a limited government Republic.
However, since the Great Depression the welfare state has expanded exponentially “crowding out” organizations that provided unemployment insurance, life insurance, medical insurance and other vital services for their members before the economy’s implosion in the 1930s.

The new tax law places a $10,000 cap on the amount of property and state and local income taxes taxpayers can deduct on their federal tax return. This restriction obviously increases the federal tax burden of taxpayers who live in New Jersey and other high tax states.

The solution is crystal clear: abolish the federal income tax and have local services paid for just as we pay for cable TV, Internet access, cell phones and other services people want for themselves and their families, by voluntary exchange. This would reduce the vast coercion government exerts over its citizens.


Murray Sabrin Ramapo College Professor of Finance1985 to presentMahwah, New Jersey

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Murray Sabrin : Phil Murphy and Democrats are legal versions of Willie Sutton

Murray Sabrin


Murray Sabrin
Professor of Finance at Ramapo College

Regarding “State senate president plans to push tax bill,” (Nov. 9, page 1A). The people of New Jersey spoke loud and clear on election night. They want state government to spend more of their money. Not really their money, just upper income folks who make up a small percentage of the population. And they want Trenton to expand its already overbearing micromanagement of the economy.

Senate president Stephen Sweeney announced that he will put a “millionaire’s tax” on the front burner when the legislature convenes after Governor-elect Phil Murphy takes office in January.

Raising taxes on millionaires is another example of why government is like Willie Sutton, the notorious bank robber who was asked why he robbed banks, he replied, “That’s where the money is.” Phil Murphy and Democrats are legal versions of Willie Sutton.

Higher taxes on upper income taxpayers will cause any out of state high-income individual, business owner, or corporate executive to think twice about relocating to New Jersey. In other words, we will never how many upper income folks will not move to New Jersey because of the highest marginal taxes Murphy is so hot to increase. In addition, how many people and businesses will leave New Jersey because of higher income taxes? We will soon find out.

The proposed tax increases on millionaires will eventually hit middle-income families, because that is how big government proponents operate—tax the smallest number of families first, then go after where the big bucks are, the middle class.

As H.L. Mencken remarked decades ago, “Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard. “

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Senate Candidates Spar in Wyckoff

Senate Candidates Spar in Wyckoff
May 27th 2014
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Wyckoff  NJ, Jeff Bell , Brian Goldberg , Murray Sabrin  Candidates for Senate ,looking to unseat Cory Booker  spoke at the Larkin House in Wyckoff last night hosted by the West Bergen Tea Party.


Jeff Bell focused on Restoring Middle Class Prosperity , saying there was now NO Future for our grandchildren.

America was founded on the idea that hard work gets you ahead. But that social contract has withered away owing to dysfunctional government policy that favors the wealthy while necessitating huge budget deficits to provide a safety net large enough to support those left behind. Despite advances in technology that have improved the standard of living, it has become harder for working people to support a family and for young people to establish a career. The next U.S. Senator from New Jersey must be a tireless advocate for solutions that restore the middle-class prosperity that was once a hallmark of this nation.

The most important hindrance to middle-class prosperity is the condition of the U.S. dollar. Since 1994 it has lost over one-third of its value, and lost 10 percent in the last five years alone since the Federal Reserve began its “Quantitative Easing” program of creating new dollars. The effect of rising prices is felt everywhere: at the grocery store, the gas pump, in medical costs, and school tuition.

Instead of serving the people, our money serves the federal government, whose trillion-dollar borrowing is the main cause of the Fed’s money creation. To restore the money supply in the hands of the people, we need a dollar whose value is backed by gold. Read my specific plan to do that. The gold standard, which stabilized the dollar under various iterations through most of U.S. history, is the proven way to encourage stable long-term prices and preserve limited government. This is why the Constitution in Article I, Section 10 directs Congress to “coin money” and “regulate the value thereof.”

While Washington has gotten free financing from the Fed, families planning for college, retirees living on a fixed income, and everyone else hoping to earn a decent return on their savings rather than speculating in the markets have fallen behind. It is a travesty that our monetary policy has deprived seniors, parents, and savers in billions of income so Congress can rack up more debt.

This is the direct result of the Fed’s policy of near zero interest rates, now in its sixth year. The suppression of interest rates below the market level has also broken down the traditional banking system, in which small businesses borrow from their local banks. The total value of all small bank business loans is approximately half of what it was when “zero interest rates” was adopted. Now, neighborhood standbys like hair salons and restaurants are forced to seek alternative forms of credit like cash advance loans that often come with 50 percent effective interest rates.


Brian Goldberg focused on his electability saying  his “positive message” and business experience could lead him to defeat Booker. He questioned whether Booker, who once lived by choice in a Newark housing project, can relate to the average Garden State resident.

Promoting the concept of Empowerment, not Entitlement, Mr. Goldberg brings a positive message to the race.

Goldberg said as a businessman,he has practical experience in the areas that matter most to NJ voters.He’ll combine that experience with his business experience to seek Win-Win solutions to the nation’s biggest challenges, providing NJ with a new voice in Washington.

Murray Sabrin focused on his back ground and how he arrived in America with his parents and older brother on August 6, 1949. His parents were the only members of their respective families to survive the Holocaust.

Rather than submit to the authoritarian regime of National Socialism, Murray’s father led a group of 241-armed partisans in Poland, and included the famed postwar Nazi hunter and writer Abba Kovner. The tragedy and triumph of Murray’s family has taught him to revere human life and hold dear those freedoms in our Bill of Rights — especially the right of citizens to protect themselves under the Second Amendment.


Murray Sabrin became a U.S. citizen in 1959 at age 12, and graduated from the Bronx High School of Science in 1964. He has a Ph.D. in economic geography from Rutgers University, an M.A. in social studies education from Lehman College and a B.A. in history, geography and social studies education from Hunter College.

His personal experience allowed him to see the dangers of big government  and make him what he called himself New Jersey’s foremost defender of economic freedom and individual liberty. For three decades he has been fighting to end harmful government intrusion into our lives. 

Like the other two he focused on how the U.S. economy is experiencing the worst recovery since the end of World War II.  Despite trillion dollar budget deficits under President Obama and the Federal Reserve’s unconscionable money printing known as Quantitative Easing, which has dropped interest rates on savings accounts to virtually 0%, America’s real unemployment rate is more than 20%, according to some economists.  In other words, the federal government’s fiscal and monetary policies have not “stimulated” the economy.

America’s free enterprise system has been replaced by crony capitalism–bailouts of Wall Street and politically connected firms, and subsidies to inefficient businesses. We need to return to a free market economy across the board so we can enjoy the fruits of a prosperity based on real savings and investments.

He then spoke on NSA spying ,and IRS Targeting and the growing threats to our Constitutional rights Saying the real threat to our rights is from the Obama administration, and he will work tirelessly in the United States Senate to repeal every law that infringes on the American people’s constitutional rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.

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GOP candidates seeking Senate nomination speak to Bergen Republicans


GOP candidates seeking Senate nomination speak to Bergen Republicans

MAY 13, 2014, 10:35 PM    LAST UPDATED: TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2014, 11:06 PM

All four Republican candidates vying to be their party’s nominee for the U.S. Senate introduced themselves and answered questions before the Bergen County Republican Organization on Tuesday evening.

Whoever becomes the Republican nominee will face off against Democratic incumbent Cory Booker, who gained the late Frank Lautenberg’s seat in a special election  last year. Booker  won by double digits and has access to funding at the national party level.

Before about 60 people, candidates emphasized different points, but the general focus was on the economy. Each candidate was given five minutes to introduce themselves to the audience before a short question-and-answer session.

Ideas ranged from downsizing the federal government to strengthening the military and creating jobs. The target wasn’t on each other but focused on Booker.

“What is Cory Booker’s program for economic growth?” asked one of the candidates, Jeff Bell. “I do have an answer. His program is the same as President Obama’s for economic growth: nothing.”

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