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NFL Favorablility Rating Tanks to Least Liked Professional Sport

Colin Kaepernick

October 8th 2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, more bad news for the NFL .The Winston Poll from the Washington-based Winston Group found that the attitude of those fans went from an August rating of 73 percent favorable and 19 percent unfavorable to 42 percent favorable and 47 percent unfavorable, a remarkable turn against the sport.

According to the poll analysis, “more critically for the NFL, the fall off in favorables occurred among important audiences. Among males, NFL favorables fell 23 percent, going from 68 percent to 45 percent. In looking at a more specific audience, males 34-54, NFL favorables fell 31 percent, going from 73 percent to 42 percent. Among this group the NFL has a surprising negative image, as it went from +54 percent in August to -5 percent in September.”

The Winston Poll was of brand images for the NFL, Major League Baseball, the National Basketball Association, and college football and basketball. It was of 1,000 registered voters and taken August 29-30 and then again September 28-29.

In just over one month since the National Anthem protests started  the National Football League has gone from America’s sport to the least liked of top professional and college sports, according to a new poll.

August Winston Poll

MLB/61 percent favorable to 13 percent unfavorable.
NFL/57 percent favorable to 23 percent unfavorable.
College football/53 percent favorable to 16 percent unfavorable.
College basketball/48 percent favorable to 17 percent unfavorable.
NBA/47 percent unfavorable to 23 percent unfavorable.

September Winston Poll

MLB/63 percent favorable to 16 percent unfavorable.
College football/51 percent favorable to 21 percent unfavorable.
NBA/46 percent favorable to 28 percent unfavorable.
College basketball/45 percent favorable to 25 percent unfavorable.
NFL/44 percent favorable to 40 percent unfavorable.

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The End of the NFL

Colin Kaepernick

September 24,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Washington DC, President Donald Trump took to Twitter again on Saturday to continue his attacks on NFL players protesting the national anthem.”If a player wants the privilege of making millions of dollars in the NFL, or other leagues, he or she should not be allowed to disrespect our Great American Flag (or Country) and should stand for the National Anthem,” Trump tweeted. “If not, YOU’RE FIRED. Find something else to do!”

Earlier President Trump started his war of words with the NFL national anthem protesters setting off a firestorm , “Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, ‘Get that son of a bitch off the field right now, out, he’s fired. He’s fired!”

President Trump  has gone as far as to say NFL fans should stop going to football games until players who kneel during the national anthem are suspended or fired.

Owners, players and media continue to defend the players actions ,while rating plummet and stadiums sit empty . The NFL seems to want to demand respect , while disrespecting . The right to protest and dissent is fundamental to the American way of life ,but so are the consequences of that protest.

While players feel that they have a right to give voice to past and present perceived injustices most fans see little more than a bunch of over paid athletes complaining about making far to much money.  Like Entertainers , who are generally valued for their their talent not their  political acumen most fans wish the players would just play football .

Recent revaluations about concussions have already done serious damage to the NFL brand casting a shadow over the leagues long term viability , but now the leagues efforts to alienate their fan base looks to be putting the final nails in the coffin .