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The Nerds Wrap Up the Kasschau Memorial Shell Summer Season

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photo courtesy of the Kasschau Memorial Shell

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, it was a beautiful Tuesday night at the Kasschau Memorial Shell which featured the Nerds from  7:30 PM – 9:30 PM . Mother nature created a near  perfect setting . Some concert goers put chairs out prior to the event  and dancing was encouraged. The  Bathrooms were open and cleaned before the concert this evening . Parking at Ridgewood Library, Veterans Field, Graydon Pool Parking Lot and Maple Field Parking lot and no alcohol permitted in Village of Ridgewood Parks.  The Nerds caped off a great summer of fun and free musical performances under the stars at the Kasschau Memorial Shell.

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RHS Robotics Team Takes First Place



December 30,2015
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, The RHS Robotics’ team competed in the FIRST Technology Challenge at Englewood as part of the FIRST Robotics league. The RHS team came in first place in their competition in conjunction with their alliance team. Aside from building a robot meant to complete a set of tasks in the fastest time, the RHS team was also honored for their professionalism and sense of community by receiving the Connect Award. The group had to submit an engineering notebook along with goals for sustaining the program and recruiting new students to the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. They also had to engage with the engineering community at large.