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Flagrant Racism and Hatred Has NO Place at Rutgers University!

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

New Brunswick NJ, Paul Danielczyk, President of the NJ Conservative GOP has called on Rutgers University’s President Jonathan Holloway and Governor Murphy to call for the resignation of professor Brittney Cooper, for her repugnant hateful racist remarks on social media regarding ALL of President Trump’s supporters!
Dr. Cooper is an associate professor from the Women, Gender, and Sexuality Department of the state university.

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We Refuse to Let This One Slide! ,‘No room for religious bigotry in the Murphy Administration!’

Phill Murphy -Sara Medina del Castillo

the staff of the Ridgewood bog

Ridgewood NJ, since Ridgewood has had a spat of these incidents during the past council election and since so many in the Village now pride them self on being so openminded the NJ Conservative GOP has joined the New Jersey Coalition of Pastors and Ministers in calling for the firing of Governor Murphy Staffer Noemi Velazquez, for her anti-Evangelical remarks. Noemi Velazquez referred to Republican policymakers in Washington as “Evangelical assholes!”

Continue reading We Refuse to Let This One Slide! ,‘No room for religious bigotry in the Murphy Administration!’