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“Franklinite” Becomes the Official State Mineral


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton Nj, many readers have heard of the fiction mineral  called “Kryptonite”.  In its best-known form, it is a green, crystalline material originating from Superman’s home world of Krypton that emits a unique, poisonous radiation that can weaken and even kill Kryptonians. Kryptonite is often used as a noun , meaning ,”The one weakness of something or someone that is otherwise invulnerable, an Achilles’ heel.”

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Texas Ended Lockdown Restrictions, Sees COVID Cases Drop to All Time Low

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Washington DC, When Texas Governor Greg Abbott ended lockdown restrictions on businesses earlier this month it was with a certain swagger. “I just announced Texas is OPEN 100%” he announced. “EVERYTHING.”

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Indoor Dining in New Jersey and NYC Will Expand to 50 Percent Capacity Beginning March 19

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, NJ Governor Phil Murphy joins NY Governor Andrew M. Cuomo to announced that New Jersey and New York City will expand indoor dining capacity to 50 percent beginning March 19. Currently, New Jersey and New York City restaurants are operating at 35 percent capacity and the rest of New York State is operating at 50 percent capacity. This follows Governor Cuomo’s announcement that restaurants outside of New York City will expand to 75 percent capacity beginning March 19.

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Governor Murphy Targets GOP Contender Jack Ciattarelli

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NJ GOP State Committeeman Joshua Sotomayor Einstein

NJ Governor Phil Murphy is afraid of showing the public what criteria he uses for restrictions; prolonging the state recession; creating unemployment; for violating his own restrictions multiple times; the havoc of the mail-in election he mandated; mismanagement of multiple state agencies; anger over his tax hikes; and of the result of investigations into the deaths (in long term care facilities) of the roughly half of the states Covid fatalities. Most of all, Murphy is afraid of the NJ native son who has stood up for all the state’s residents and asked the hard questions even when it was unpopular to do so. That person is Jack Ciattarelli.

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