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Letter to my fellow NJ grassroots Republicans

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Dear Patriots,

As we approach the Republican primary for governor, I am compelled to tell you two things. First, that I loved the Presidency of Donald J. Trump, voted for him both times, and that I will support him if he decides to run in 2024 to address the (already) many failures that Biden has imposed on the country. Second, none of the above matters in the coming race to save New Jersey from Democrat Governor Feckless Phil Murphy.

Continue reading Letter to my fellow NJ grassroots Republicans

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Governor Murphy Targets GOP Contender Jack Ciattarelli

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NJ GOP State Committeeman Joshua Sotomayor Einstein

NJ Governor Phil Murphy is afraid of showing the public what criteria he uses for restrictions; prolonging the state recession; creating unemployment; for violating his own restrictions multiple times; the havoc of the mail-in election he mandated; mismanagement of multiple state agencies; anger over his tax hikes; and of the result of investigations into the deaths (in long term care facilities) of the roughly half of the states Covid fatalities. Most of all, Murphy is afraid of the NJ native son who has stood up for all the state’s residents and asked the hard questions even when it was unpopular to do so. That person is Jack Ciattarelli.

Continue reading Governor Murphy Targets GOP Contender Jack Ciattarelli

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N.J. senator: An alternative plan to Court’s ruling on affordable housing

CBD high density housing

N.J. senator: An alternative plan to Court’s ruling on affordable housing | Opinion
Posted on January 27, 2017 at 10:44 AM

By Christopher Bateman

Providing enough affordable housing for people in need is one of the most important issues we face in this state. The constant string of misguided court decisions has done nothing but create confusion for our towns.

Last week, the New Jersey Supreme Court issued a ruling that could be devastating to taxpayers.

The court essentially overturned a July 2016 Appellate Court decision and ruled that the calculation of present need must be expanded to include obligations created during the “gap period” of 1999-2015. The court determined that a new, undefined “analytic component” should be used to determine if the needs created during the gap period still exist today.

Since its first intrusive decision more than 40 years ago, the court has been infamous for creating this kind of confusion. As a result, municipalities have spent far too much time and money in court battling over how to determine and satisfy their court-imposed “fair share.”

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Is Comedian Piscopo Making the Rounds for a 2017 NJ Gubernatorial Bid ?

Paul DiGaetano and Joe Piscopo

photo of BCRO Chair Paul DiGaetano and Joe Piscopo by Margaret Cenci Frontera

Is Comedian Piscopo Making the Rounds for a 2017 NJ Gubernatorial Bid ?
October 24,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, New Jersey native and former Saturday Night Live star Joe Piscopo came to the statehouse today for an afternoon sit-down with Governor Chris Christie.

 The purpose it seems is that the radio show host, Piscopo is feeling out a run for governor next year.Piscopo has also been seen making the rounds most notably for Italian American Heritage Month .

Piscopo formerly a Democrat,now an independent and would run as a Republican.While ex-Goldman Sachs Phill Murphy has been out and about for the Democrats ,Assemblyman Jack Ciattarelli, a Republican from Somerset County, has already announced his candidacy; and LG Kim Guadagno is expected to kick off her campaign after the presidential election.

 Since many insiders say the state’s finances are a joke , a comedian might just be what we need.