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Vehicle Inspection Check Point in Glen Rock Nets 73 summonses

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Glen Rock NJ, between 9 AM and 1 PM on Friday June 4th , the Glen Rock Police Department, in conjunction with the NJ State Motor Vehicle Commission, held a vehicle inspection check point along Maple Avenue at Harding Plaza. The operation is designed to remove dangerous vehicles from the road and promote safe driving practices. The checkpoint also had the added benefit of allowing 70 motorists, whose vehicles were due for inspection, to have their vehicles inspected free of charge with only a short wait.

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Glen Rock Police held a vehicle inspection check point along Maple Avenue at Harding Plaza

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Glen Rock NJ, on September 25th ,between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m.  the Glen Rock Police Department, in conjunction with the NJ State Motor Vehicle Commission, held a vehicle inspection check point along Maple Avenue at Harding Plaza. The operation, which has not been held since 2019 due to COVID-19, is designed to remove dangerous vehicles from the road and promote safe driving practices. The checkpoint also had the added benefit of allowing 55 motorists, whose vehicles were due for inspection, to have their vehicles inspected free of charge with only a short wait. A total of 32 summonses were issued to vehicles found with safety violations. These types of local checkpoints were instituted when the NJ Motor Vehicle commission eliminated the safety testing portion of motor vehicle inspections as a cost savings measure in 2010, now testing only for emissions. Despite this elimination of mechanical inspections, local law enforcement is still responsible to cite motorists for equipment out of compliance or failure to make repairs.