file photo by Boyd Loving
Dear Neighbor,
Here we are yet again at yet another important Village Council meeting, Tonight at 7:30pm at the Village Hall. I don’t know about you, but I’m looking forward to not making VC meetings a must attend every few weeks.
But that’s just how it is. For now anyway. Until we can get some folks onto the council who we can trust will listen to us and do the right thing when it comes to our village. That day will come sooner than later but for now, we must remain engaged.
So, in case you didn’t know already, tomorrow is the night that the Village Council likely plans to vote on overriding itself and go to the County for a bond. This is without a parking garage proposal that fits within the footprint of the Hudson street lot. This is with us being on the hook for several hundreds of thousands of dollars for the County bond, not to mention the likelihood of millions more for the building of a garage. This is against many of the the findings of the Maser Traffic Study from October 15th, which Councilwoman Knudsen and Councilman Sedon were unaware of until late December. I could go on and on…
The bottom line is that, inconvenient as it is, we must remain vigilant and protect Ridgewood, which means showing up and voicing our concerns.
Hoping to see you tomorrow night. And if you can’t make it, please email our Village Council and Village Manager to let them know that even considering voting to go to the County for a bond at this point is against the better interests of our village.
Paul Aronsohn <paronsohn@ridgewoodnj.net>,
Albert Pucciarelli <apucciarelli@ridgewoodnj.net>,
Gwenn Hauck <ghauck@ridgewoodnj.net>,
Roberta Sonenfeld <rsonenfeld@ridgewoodnj.net>
Susan Knudsen <sknudsen@ridgewoodnj.net>,
Michael Sedon <msedon@ridgewoodnj.net>,
Dana H. Glazer