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Reader says the Ridgewood Board of Education Thumbs it’s Nose at the States Open Public Meeting Laws

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Mr. Morgan,

I read with interest your reply, and while your volunteer service is to be commended and appreciated, I believe, that based on your own words, you simply do not understand the purpose or value of the state’s Open Meeting Laws, why they even exist and to be frank you seem to thumb your nose at them.

In addition, your representation of the DANI lawsuit is factually incorrect, perhaps understandably influenced because Mr. Dani, regularly exerts his legal rights to speak and address questions to the board at public meetings, that you [in your own words] refer to as “harassment”.

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The Ridgewood Board of Education Meets Tonight Monday, February 24, 2020 49 Cottage Place 7:00 p.m.


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood Board of Education will hold its next Regular Public Meeting on Monday, March 2, 2020. The Board meets at the Education Center, 49 Cottage Place, Floor 3 at 7:00 p.m.

The public is welcome to attend the meeting or to watch from home on Fios channel 33 or Optimum channel 77. Meetings are also streamed via the “BOE Webcast” tab on the district website at

Meeting webcasts are immediately available on the district website.

Click here to view the agenda in PDF format.

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The Continuing Saga of the Ridgewood Schools $95 Million Referendum

RHS Band

Saurabh Dani in the Facebook Group Ridgewood Moms and Dads with Free Speech

“The board of education was scheduled to vote on the 95M referendum question in Feb/March. They were working towards this goal for last couple of years while denying it as”rumors”.

Last night the board decided to push this vote by a few weeks, without providing exact timeline, probably pushing it out beyond the April 21 election date.

Continue reading The Continuing Saga of the Ridgewood Schools $95 Million Referendum

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Public Comments at Ridgewood BOE meeting from Jan 6th, regarding the Huge Proposed $95 Million bond Referendum


 the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Form the Facebook group “Ridgewood Moms and Dads with Free Speech” Saurabh Dani commented asking readers to take a look at .” Pete and Susan’s comment in this video are REALLY important.” Its nice to see more taxpayers starting to recognize the fiscal mess the State of New Jersey is in and the enormous pension deficit, particularly with the teachers pension.

Continue reading Public Comments at Ridgewood BOE meeting from Jan 6th, regarding the Huge Proposed $95 Million bond Referendum

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Reader Blasts Turf Choice


“There are better choices for our fields than artificial turf made of plastic and crumb rubber. 90 percent of pro players in all sports prefer grass to turf for a variety of reasons. Our fields are in active flood plains. We can’t get warranties on the stuff because of that fact. There are new grass blends that are pest and drought resistant and when the fields flood on an artificial turf field like the ones the BOE has installed and now again at Stevens, the toxins go into our water ways, the fields harden , often need extensive repairs and the cost of disposing of it is around 100,000 dollars per field and it sits in the land fills for ever as it is not biodegradable.”

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Ridgewood School Board Embraces Antiquated Technology

nest 3rd gen works with 1

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Resident Saurabh Dani posted the following on the Facebook page, “It Takes a Ridgewood Village”, reminding the Ridgewood blog that many years ago (2006?) the BOE was dead set on adding fiberoptic connections through Verizon when clearly the technology existed for broadband wifi connections though out the Ridgewood School system. The better technology was rebuffed for the “done deal” with Verizon.

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Reader claims Ridgewood BOE direction will change in April as the Majority rules


“Someone wrote: “I’m sure Mr. Dani woke up this morning to the realization that his embarrassing failure was directly attributable to the very people that thought bullying people on social media into silence was his path to success. All reasonable people looked at the unhinged behavior of the people he aligned himself with and said we have serious work to do here. No wonder they went in a different direction.”

This is such flawed reasoning that it is laughable. Only four people voted for the candidate last night. Hundreds of people spoke and wrote in support of Mr. Dani. His path to success, as you anonymously mis-state, is that he is greatly admired by so many people. The four pitiful idiots on the board, who are not clear thinkers, are threatened by a smart and sensible person like Mr. Dani, which is why they did not vote for him. They went in the same tired direction they always go.

That direction will change in April. Majority rules. Those four are nothing.”

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Ridgewood BOE Withholds Information on Facilities Meetings


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, resident Steve Kim recounts his recent OPRA experience with the Ridgewood Board of Education .

OPRA is used when the requestor wants to gain access to government records and wants to invoke the OPRA statute, which provides a statutory right of access to government records and holds a records custodian to a response deadline.

What does this mean?  The requestor must choose to submit an OPRA request.  Custodians do not decide when requestor must use OPRA and cannot force requestors to submit an OPRA request

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Ridgewood Board of Education Says Ridgewood High School Fields Off Limits for July 4th

stevens field

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Notice about Ridgewood High School Fields 

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Due to repairs at the RHS Stadium Field, both fields at RHS — Stevens and Stadium Fields — will not be available for 4th of July fireworks viewing. There will not be access to the fields. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Lights on Nobody Home

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photo by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, last night as flood waters carried toxic crumb rubber particles off the RHS stadium field ,we noticed something very disturbing , once again the stadium lights were on when no athletic activity taking place .

This is not the first time or the second time , so as a gentle reminder,because some people in town grew up in a barn ,turn the lights off when the fields are not in use .

With a $111,000,000 school budget this open disdain and a slap in the face for taxpayers, as well as being both rude and obnoxious . It is also irresponsible and wasteful .

It is also monumentally hypocritical given the promotion of pseudo sciences like “global warming ” and other faux environmentalism.

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Turf Town 2.0

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photo by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, on April 29 meeting, the Ridgewood Board of Education voted to again install a rubber crumb based field turf at RHS Field Stadium . In the usual method the Board made its decision without open discussions with residents, vendors ,students  and healthcare and environmental professionals.Crumb Rubber fill is basically ground up car tires .

Continue reading Turf Town 2.0
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Reader says the BOE is running its own agenda over the majority will


” Through various ways a select group of people took the BOE and Admin in their iron grip, running their own agenda over majority wish, the Budget vote has taken that privilege away and that’s why this frustration, One Vote’s target is taking away the Budget vote and additionally influencing the local politics of Ridgewood with the muddy national one. “