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CBD ridgewood ArtChick

file photo by ArtChick

RIDGEWOOD RETAIL FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS Q1 2018 Regulated by N.J.A.C. 8:24 and Village of Ridgewood Ordinance Chapter 156

Establishment Types Risk Type 1 Serves or sells only prepackaged foods or prepares only non–potentially hazardous foods.

Risk Type 2 Cooks and serves products immediately; practices hot and cold holding of potentially hazardous foods; limited preparation of potentially hazardous foods.

Risk Type 3 Extensive menu requiring the handling of raw ingredients; Complex preparation that requires cooking, cooling and reheating of at least three or more potentially hazardous foods.

Risk Type 4 Conducts specialized processing to control the proliferation of disease causing organisms; this may include smoking, curing, canning, bottling, acidification or reduced oxygen packaging.

Inspection Evaluations The retail food establishment operator shall post the most recent evaluation placard in a conspicuous place so the public may view the placard. The evaluation placard shall identify that the establishment is one of the following:

Satisfactory The establishment has been found to be operating in substantial compliance with N.J.A.C. 8:24 and Chapter 156 of Village Ordinances.

Conditionally Satisfactory The establishment has been found not to be operating in substantial compliance with N.J.A.C. 8:24 and Chapter 156 of Village Ordinances. Due to the nature of these violations, a re-inspection is required and will be conducted.

Unsatisfactory The establishment has been found to be operating in violation of N.J.A.C. 8:24 and Chapter 156 of Village Ordinances and the violation(s) constitute gross unsanitary or unsafe conditions which pose an imminent health hazard. The Health Department shall institute necessary measures provided by law to assure that the establishment does not prepare or serve food until the establishment is reevaluated and the conditions which warranted the unsatisfactory evaluation no longer exist.