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Two Victims Evacuated From Closter Crash by Helicopter to Hackensack University Medical Center

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photo courtesy of Closter Volunteer Ambulance & Rescue Corps

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Closter NJ, this morning Closter Volunteer Ambulance & Rescue Corps Rescue 728, ambulances 726 & 727 responded to the scene of a horrific crash at High Street & Closter Dock Road. Both occupants of the minivan were expertly extricated, then transported to Memorial and Tenakill Fields where helicopter landing zones had been set up. Both patients were flown to Hackensack University Medical Center for treatment of their injuries. On scene ; Closter Police, Closter Fire Department,  Alpine Fire , Demarest, Fire  Harrington Park Fire , and Norwood Fire Depts, ALS 106, and the flight medics.