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New Jersey Department of Homeland Security : No specific, credible threats to New Jersey in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks in Paris


photo by Boyd Loving

November 15, 2015

As of 2:00 today, there are no specific, credible threats to New Jersey in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks in Paris. Nevertheless, out of an abundance of caution, New Jersey’s homeland security and law enforcement agencies will remain on heightened alert throughout the day. Security has been increased at all events where large numbers of people are expected.

Updated death tolls from Paris reveal at least 132 have been killed, with over 350 injured. One American from California has been confirmed killed, while three other Americans were reportedly injured.

OHSP convened two conference calls yesterday with county and local authorities, as well as with the faith-based community. Both calls totaled roughly 300 participants.

OHSP, along with counterterrorism partners from New York, will host a webinar tomorrow at 2:00 pm on the Paris attacks.

For more information on the webinar, visit:

French authorities announced this morning they are actively searching for an individual directly involved with the Friday attacks. The ongoing investigation into the attacks suggests direction possibly from Syria, and the involvement of multiple coordinators in several countries.

According to the FBI and French media, seven attackers were killed during the attacks and investigators are searching for accomplices. French authorities have identified two of the deceased attackers; one was as a French national on a government terrorist watchlist, while the other is believed to have been a Syrian refugee who entered Europe through Greece last month.

Yesterday, Belgian police conducted raids near Brussels in connection with the Paris attacks and arrested seven people. On November 5, German police arrested a man near the German-Austrian border with hidden firearms, explosives, and hand grenades in his vehicle; he possessed documentation possibly linking him with the attacks.

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N.J. resident in Paris: ‘People are going through a lot of pain here’


wanted poster

By Alex Napoliello | NJ Advance Media for
on November 15, 2015 at 4:34 PM, updated November 15, 2015 at 5:58 PM

For Kelly Coyle, the terrorist attacks in Paris are all too familiar.

The 45-year-old Hoboken resident worked in 7 World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001, and was just blocks away when the first tower collapsed.

On Friday night, Coyle and a friend were having dinner near their hotel in the 7th arrondissement of Paris when she started receiving text messages from family and friends asking if she was safe.

Coyle didn’t know it at the time, but a series of coordinated terrorist attacks were being carried out across Paris. The attacks left at least 129 people dead and hundreds of others injured.

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Paris attacks put dagger through heart of liberal Europe


Attacks threaten viability of Schengen agreement and the vision of tolerant, multi-cultural society that is “essence” of Europe, analysts warn

By Peter Foster, Europe Editor

12:22PM GMT 14 Nov 2015

The Paris attacks that killed at least 128 people on Saturday night will put renewed pressure on Europe Schengen agreement and threaten the “very essence” of the European way of life, as far-right parties seek to capitalise on the attacks, analysts have warned.

With Paris now enduring this second major terror bloodbath in under a year, questions are now being asked about how much longer both Europe’s open border system and vision of a tolerant, multi-cultural society can survive.

“With Paris in lockdown and France closing its borders, we can see all too clearly that what is at stake here is the very essence of our way of life in Europe,” said Davis Lewin, the deputy director of the Henry Jackson Society, a conservative think-tank.

Designed to facilitate the free movement of goods and labour that is the economic life-blood of the continent, the Schengen system has also enabled the easy transfer of both weapons and, potentially jihadist fighters, across those same borders.

Following the attacks, Francois Hollande, the French President also re-imposed border controls in a bid to ensure that none of the Paris terrorists or their support network in France were able to escape, as occurred after the Charlie Hebdo atrocity.

Even before the Paris attacks, Donald Tusk, the EU president, had warned that Europe faced a “race against time” to save the 20-year-old system, which is seen as one of the Union’s most concrete achievements.

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Paris Attacks a Reminder that we are at War with Radicalized Islam

November 15,2015
PJ Blogger and the Staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, seeing the images of Friday nights Paris attack were a sad reminder of all the people I knew who were murdered on 9/11 .It is
so long after that day it still astonishes me that I can go to the 9/11 memorial and see all those names of people that I recognize and used to have daily interactions with .

What also has remained the same is the self doubt and blame game ,some would suggest cowardise that our political leadership continues to engage in ,instead of dealing with the threat of Nihilistic Islamic Extremism . While the names may have changed , ISIS, al Quada and so on the ugly reality as demonstrated over and over is that these “people” ,are sworn to destroy western society and all it values of freedom and individualism . They want to kill you ,yes YOU living in Ridgewood and your family ,end of the story and they will do anything to achieve their means.

And NO this dose not mean all Muslims are terrorist , but alas many are . Like World War 2 , all Germans were not Nazi’s we just concentrated on the ones that were.

While western politicians acted more like self indulgent children blaming Bush,western culture, the USA, a CIA conspiracy , an inside job, global warming and a litany of other non causes all the while attempting to placate a philosophy  that like the NAZI’s and Communism ,is dead set on destroying  western society.
These continued wrong headed excuses have amounted to nothing more than pure cowardice and have encouraged our enemy at every step.

So here we are 14 years later and we are still dealing with the same but a much stronger enemy and the same issues despite giving up an significant level of personal freedom .

This weekends Paris attacks have led once again to the media spin machine launching the we deserve it , you asked for it,its your fault “because you eat bacon” campaign all the while looking to again curtail more of our personal freedoms .

Am I the only one to notice that the President seems to utterly clueless about what our enemies are up to but , yet the NSA and IRS as well as local police are spying on virtually every activity an American citizen can undertake ? And the current administration as well as most of the Democrat party along with their media allies are still referring to utterly FAUX climate change as the greatest security threat to our nation? Really , I didn’t see much climate change in Paris on Friday night .

While Americans who question our government’s behavior have become the focus of suspicion , others engaging in irresponsible behavior like “the clock maker” , or banning certain activities because they might to offensive are celebrated ,while all forms of American culture are constantly being denigrated .

If “innocents” are killed on a battle field , the US grovels and apologizes, yet our enemies,  have slaves ,take child brides, think of women as property , decapitate women and children , cook children ,murder gays,  murder all non believers, destroy ancient artifacts  and places of worship  and its all in a days work.

As any parent knows continuing to tolerate bad behavior only invites more of it .Meanwhile has our president ever asked the jihadist in the Mideast to put down their guns and stop clinging to their religion like he told so many Americans ?
Its time to face facts, we are at war with “Radicalized Islam ” and we need to start acting like it.
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At least one man linked to Paris attacks registered as refugee in Greece: police

Paris Attacks

Athens (AFP) – Greek police on Saturday said at least one man with a possible connection to the Paris attacks had registered as a refugee with Greek authorities earlier this year.

French authorities had asked their Greek counterparts to check the fingerprints of one man who died in the attacks, with a Syrian passport found next to him, in addition to the fingerprints of another man.

There were efforts to establish whether both had registered in Greece, the main entry point into Europe for Syrian refugees.

The Greek minister for citizen protection, Nikos Toskas, said one of the men had been registered on the Greek island of Leros in October.

“We confirm that the (Syrian) passport holder came through the Greek island of Leros on October 3 where he was registered under EU rules,” he said a statement.

French police said the passport was found “near the body of one of the attackers” during the investigation into the main site of Friday’s carnage, at the Bataclan concert hall where 89 people were killed.

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Paris attacks: At least 153 killed in gunfire and blasts, French officials say

Paris Attacks

By Steve Almasy, Pierre Meilhan and Jim Bittermann, CNN

Updated 1:18 AM ET, Sat November 14, 2015 | Video Source: CNN

Paris (CNN)On a night when thousands of Paris residents and tourists were reveling and fans were enjoying a soccer match between France and world champion Germany, horror struck in an unprecedented manner. Terrorists — some with AK-47s, some reportedly with bombs strapped to them — attacked sites throughout the French capital and at the stadium where the soccer match was underway.

Scores were killed in the coordinated attacks late Friday, leaving a nation in mourning and the world in shock. CNN will update this story as information comes in:

[Latest developments, posted at 11:59 p.m. ET]

• Paris Prosecutor spokeswoman Agnès Thibault-Lecuivre said eight extremists are dead after attacks. Seven of them were killed in suicide bombings.

• U.S. President Barack Obama spoke with French President Francois Hollande to offer condolences and assistance in the investigation, the White House said. Earlier, Obama said, “This is an attack not just on Paris, not just on the people on France, but an attack on all humanity and the universal values we share.” He called the attacks an “outrageous attempt to terrorize innocent civilians.”

• A total of six locations were attacked in and just outside the capital, Paris prosecutor François Molins told reporters Saturday.

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UPDATE : Paris attacks: At least 118 killed in gunfire and blasts, French official says



Paris attacks: At least 118 killed in gunfire and blasts, French official says

By Steve Almasy and Jim Bittermann, CNN

Updated 8:02 PM ET, Fri November 13, 2015

By Ralph Ellis and Steve Almasy, CNN

Updated 5:40 PM ET, Fri November 13, 2015

(CNN)[Latest developments, posted at 5:38 p.m. ET]

— At least 60 people have died in the attacks, CNN affiliate BFMTV reported.

— Counterterrorism officials around the United States have convened secure conference calls to try to gather information and to assess whether there is any indication of threats in the U.S, according to two U.S. counterterrorism officials. There is nothing to indicate any threat to U.S. cities so far. Immediate suspicion for the events in Paris falls to so-called returnees — people who have traveled to Syria and Iraq and have returned, the officials said.

— At least six shootings took place in Paris and three explosions took place at the Stade de France in Saint-Denis late Friday, CNN affiliate BFMTV said. Two or three gunmen entered the Bataclan concert hall while opening fire on law enforcement, BFMTV reported. A source earlier told CNN there were six to eight hostage takers, citing a person they were talking to inside the venue.

— CNN’s Jim Bittermann, who is based in Paris, reports a producer who is at the Bataclan tells him that police are firing at a rooftop position near the venue.

— President Francois Hollande was evacuated at halftime of the France-Germany soccer match.

— Hollande, Prime Minister Manuel Valls and Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve are holding a crisis meeting at the Interior Ministry to address the attacks in Paris and the explosions in Saint-Denis, according to BFMTV.

— Paris police tell CNN there were three attacks. Attackers reportedly used AK-47 automatic weapons. There were one or two explosions at the Stade de France.

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Paris Attacks challenge ‘lone wolf’ terrorist theory



Paris Attacks challenge ‘lone wolf’ terrorist theory

By Michel Moutot 23 hours ago

Paris (AFP) – The attacks in Paris and the radical Islamist cell dismantled in Brussels have challenged the idea of the “lone wolf” terrorist who works alone, without the help of a jihadist organization, analysts say.

Every terrorist that has attempted or carried out attacks in the West in recent years — down to the Kouachi brothers who struck the Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris this month — has had some level of ties to extremist groups engaged in global jihad, according to experts.

For Jean-Pierre Filiu, of Sciences Po university in Paris, the events in France and Belgium had shown “once again” that the idea of radicals acting in isolation was “an inane myth”.

“This largely fantastical figure is an intellectual creation that appeared in the United States as part of the Bush administration’s ‘global war on terror’ in 2001”, he argued.

Although they may have acted without direct instructions from above, the Kouachi brothers had training from Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), its Yemen branch, and struck a top target on Al-Qaeda’s “most-wanted” list.