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Reader says Overdevelopment is the most pressing issue facing those of us who own homes in Ridgewood


Overdevelopment is the most pressing issue facing those of us who own homes in Ridgewood. The “affordable housing” scheme is socialism, pure and simple, as it is designed to redistribute wealth from those who worked hard and saved.
Ridgewood has done nothing to fight this scourge. Sadly, our last Mayor and his cronies fostered overdevelopment. But we can no longer blame the former regime, as the cronies have lost their clout. Besides, we can’t deny Ridgewood’s development shills openly touted the view of a Ridgewood re-modeled in the mold of a communist 1950’s Eastern European city. And that is what Ridgewood and the rest of New Jersey will slowly devolve into if this forced redistribution of property is not brought to a halt, now.
It is not clear what our current council is doing as our property values delcine and our taxes rise. The housing projects now underway in Ridgewood will weigh us down like anchors made of disgarded heaps of socialist concrete housing blocks. And what if we really do need thousands of more units to satisfy the courts’ hunger for buildings to re-order our society? This Council needs to take action. We need somthing more than debates over the number of construction trucks that will be allowed to speed through our Village streets each day (a move akin to re-arranging deck chairs on the Titanic.)
Positive action is possible. Among other things, our council should be acting in tandem with other towns to stop this overdevelopment nonsense. The overdevelopment crisis should be an agenda item at every council meeting. It is that serious.
We need a vision to move forward. Council elections are not that far off in the future, and we need to consider whether those running are ready to provide such vision, or if they too will stand still in the myopic self-delusion that seems to grip so many