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Reader suggests that if in Session the Schools would have Authorized and Encouraged BLM protests


“Thinks that, had this season of protests come before the Ridgewood District sent all of its students home, our high school Principal Gorman would have been fairly tripping over himself to pause academic instruction and authorize and encourage a walkout and a rollicking good BLM protest by the maximum number of RHS students during the school day, all fully covered by prog-friendly media outlets. Because powder keg, dontcha know.”

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Ridgewood High School Principal Calls “Student Led Walkout ” a “powderkeg”

tom gorman

Sounds like the high school administrators and the soon-to-be student protest “leaders” were working hand in glove to bring Ridgewood residents a slick, smoothly produced protest event. But wait…isn’t this the same Principal Gorman who on Monday, 3/12 referred to the anticipated student walkout as a “powderkeg?” You can’t have it both ways, Principal Gorman. So which was it? Why would you characterize it as a powderkeg if you had such a significant hand in bringing it to fruition? And how does all of this square with your solemn responsibilities as the leader of one of the biggest high schools in the county?

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Principal Gorman decided that the administration wants the walkout to continue to remain organic

rhs walkout

A screengrab of a Mia Lowy social media post on March 13th
(see: )

reads as follows:
“Principal Gorman decided that the administration wants the walkout to continue to remain organic, so we are not able to do an announcement at 9:45am tomorrow. Because we cannot put an announcement out, we need all of you to start getting your classes going to the front lawn at 9:45.”
With his virtuouso performance in pulling the strings necessary to make this adult-directed event appear to be “student led” and “organic”, perhaps Mr. Gorman is seeking a new career as a progressive community organizer? Part of Obama’s long term plans for a civilian corps of eager beaver progressive brownshirts? (“We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”)