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Mask Up at Ridgewood Village Hall

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file photo by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, effective December 27, 2021, it is strongly recommended that ALL people, BOTH vaccinated and unvaccinated, entering Village buildings wear masks, especially where social distancing is not possible.  Thank you for your cooperation in following this policy when you enter Village buildings.

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Village of Ridgewood : FINAL LEAF PICKUP COUNTDOWN !


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, FINAL LEAF PICKUP – All leaves must be out at the curbline, no later than December 20, 2021 for the final leaf pickup.  No leaves may be put out at the curbline after December 20th.  Our crews will be picking up leaves throughout the Village next week.

Continue reading Village of Ridgewood : FINAL LEAF PICKUP COUNTDOWN !