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Ridgewood Emergency Services Update on Coronavirus

IMG 0651
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Chief Ryan Savaria of Ridgewood Emergency Services, in a recent interview with the Ridgewood Blog, has asked that the Village of Ridgewood residents follow the following recommendations to help the Ridgewood First Responders help you protect them and their families while responding to your Emergency. Please reserve calls to 911 for emergencies only. For other than emergencies, you may call the non-emergency number for the Ridgewood Police Department 201-652-3900.

Continue reading Ridgewood Emergency Services Update on Coronavirus

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Ridgewood First responders may be unable to fit under the parking deck

February 29,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, In the desire to fit maximum spots on the Hudson St lot the current proposed design still proposed 5 stories (including roof level parking) while the height of the building has been reduced. This was achieved by reducing the height of every story. Residents hope the council does the right thing and does not compromise on safety in their attempt to fit maximum cars at one spot. Here is what happened at Short hills mall: Quote from the article:
“Then, more time passed because the ambulance was unable to fit under the parking deck’s ceiling, forcing first responders to roll a stretcher up an entrance ramp to Friedland.”
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Ridgewood first responders rush to aid 92 year old fall victim


Photo credit:  Boyd A. Loving

Ridgewood first responders rush to aid 92 year old fall victim
Boyd A. Loving
4:42 PM

Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewood Police, Fire, and EMS units, and a paramedic team from The Valley Hospital, all rushed to the 300 block of South Van Dien Avenue on Monday afternoon in response to a 911 telephone call reporting a severely injured and semi-conscious man who was observed laying in the snow outside of a single family residence.  It was initially believed that the man fell from an adjacent roof.

However, an investigation later determined that he’d slipped on ice when he went out to retrieve his mail and subsequently collapsed in the snow while trying to crawl to a neighboring home for help.  Police were unable to determine how long the individual had been laying outside prior to someone noticing him and calling 911.  The 92 year old victim was stabilized in a ambulance before being transported to the Trauma Center at Hackensack University Medical Center.




Photo credit:  Boyd A. Loving

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