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Ridgewood Emergency Services Update on Coronavirus

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Chief Ryan Savaria of Ridgewood Emergency Services, in a recent interview with the Ridgewood Blog, has asked that the Village of Ridgewood residents follow the following recommendations to help the Ridgewood First Responders help you protect them and their families while responding to your Emergency. Please reserve calls to 911 for emergencies only. For other than emergencies, you may call the non-emergency number for the Ridgewood Police Department 201-652-3900.

Chief  Savaria continues ,”If you do need to call 911 for any Emergency Services from the Police, Fire or Emergency Medical Services/Ambulance, in addition to providing your name, address and nature of the emergency.
PLEASE notify the dispatcher if ANYONE in your home has traveled from Europe or Asia recently or may have been exposed to COVID-19 or is exhibiting flu like symptoms. This notification will lead our First Responders to taking the proper precautions, prior to arrival at your home.
Expect that all responses to emergencies will always be without hesitation by the Ridgewood First Responders, and the excellent standard of care and compassion provided to all those in need remain the same. Please don’t be alarmed by the First Responders use of masks, goggles, gloves and possibly a protection suit. This is for everyone’s protection and safety.
Feel safe in knowing that Ridgewood Emergency Services follows the EMS guidance issued by the CDC, appropriate public health authorities and EMS medical direction. We ask that any family members provide their own transportation to the hospital and not ride in the ambulance.
All Ridgewood First Responders practice the recommended personal cleaning procedures, as well as the proper isolation/disposal of contaminated effects. The equipment and vehicle are cleaned and disinfected after each patient call, regardless of any possible exposure.
Please keep in mind the following common sense practices:
Wash your hands frequently.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.
Be mindful of contact with persons who may be suffering from a respiratory illness.
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing. It may prevent those around you from getting sick.
Stay home if you are sick.
Avoid large gatherings, and remind your young adults in high school or who are home from college, to avoid places where large groups congregate.
Keep social distance
Follow the Emergency Declarations.
Please check on your neighbors, and if they don’t have access to technology, please share this information with them.
Be well and stay safe!”

3 thoughts on “Ridgewood Emergency Services Update on Coronavirus

  1. Yes stay away from others if not feeling well. We don’t need to spread any more germs.

  2. They should really try to separate every employee. If possible.

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