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Ridgewood Village Council Candidate Melanie Hooban : Lets Talk Taxes


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, while one candidate is promoting another high density parking scheme for the Village of Ridgewood Central business district , Candidate Melanie Hooban out lined her views on the implications of tax increases for the village and where the money gets spent .

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FULL-DAY KINDERGARTEN Tax increase to hit Ridgewood Homeowners sooner than expected

home alone


December 21,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, In the most recent Ridgewood Public Schools rps.eNews the Ridgewood Board of Education delivered the news that due to “unintended consequences” of the state changing school elections to November, and also state budget software restrictions, the additional $929,800 tax increase approved on the full-day Kindergarten ballot question must be collected immediately.

To rectify, the district will then lower the 2017-18 budget by $929,800, and restore that budget amount in the third year and forward. Understanding that this situation is a consequence of not updating the state statutes and codes when the school elections were shifted to November, the state will now revise the laws to eliminate this issue for other towns going forward.

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Ridgewood Homeowners Could Save $4,200 under Gov. Chris Christie’s proposed school funding overhaul

Ridgewood Real-Estate

How Christie’s school funding plan could affect your property taxes

Gov. Chris Christie’s proposed school funding overhaul could produce property tax relief from as much as $4,500 for the average homeowner in Glen Ridge to a little as $5 on average in Mount Ephraim, according to state data. Stephen Stirling and Adam Clark, Read more