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Ridgewood Central Business District will be converted into a pedestrian mall for Saturdays and Sundays, starting on July 10th and running through September 5th


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, at Wednesday nights Village Council meeting Village Manager Heather Mailander announced that Ridgewood Central Business District will be converted into a pedestrian mall for Saturdays and Sundays only, starting on July 10th and running through September 5th.

Continue reading Ridgewood Central Business District will be converted into a pedestrian mall for Saturdays and Sundays, starting on July 10th and running through September 5th

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Ridgewood Central Business Merchants Need to Step Up


the staff of the Ridgewood blog 

Ridgewood Nj, according to , some Ridgewood merchants did not even know about the “free parking” on Saturdays . 

Sorry folks but it is amazing how uninformed the public is about what is going on in the Village, the county and the state . 

The “free” Saturday parking was emailed twice by the Village ,appeared on the chamber of Commerce site and was on this blog a number of times as well as all over Facebook and other social media sites. 

I want to remind Central Business District Merchants that tax payers are building you a parking garage at great cost ,where you are the prime beneficiaries  . 

While many options were tired to improve parking , most of the Village merchants did not appear to lift one finger to participate in any of those efforts , including utilizing the employee parking spaces. 

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Ridgewood merchants see uptick in holiday sales



Many local shops have been seeing a predictable increase in customers and sales this holiday season.

This increase, according to Walter Boyer, owner of Bookends, is a result of people valuing the convenience of shopping nearby, while also understanding that doing so is good for Ridgewood.

Other merchants credit the unseasonably warm weather with helping to increase sales.

“People want to shop locally,” Boyer said, noting the value shoppers place on customer service. “People are realizing that in order for this town to remain a vibrant town, they need to spend their money locally.”

Dawn Puente, a cosmetics worker at Town & Country Apothecary, echoed this sentiment, explaining that people don’t want to go anywhere near New Jersey’s famous shopping malls close to Christmas.

She also added that Town & Country is a destination for such people, as it gives them some of the benefits of the malls while remaining a local shop.

“People come to the store because the items are unique, and we carry a lot of brands that are only available in department stores,” she said.

Joan Groome, executive director of the Ridgewood Chamber of Commerce, said, “People come to Ridgewood because of the real ‘downtown feel.’ You do not find wonderful boutiques like we have in the mall.”

As the holidays approached, many scrambled to purchase gifts before it was too late. Boyer said he anticipated his store being quite busy up until Christmas Eve.

He also expected former residents who are visiting family to shop at Bookends, seeking holiday gifts.