“While many of us hear about the threats facing our country, a few extraordinary men and women have come face to face with them. They looked our enemies in the eyes and took a stand against tyranny, violence, oppression, and terror. Today we thank our veterans for preserving the rights and freedoms we hold dear. May God bless our veterans, and may God bless the United States of America.” Congressmen Scott Garrett
The values and principles of the United States are preserved by the willingness of brave men and women to stand and defend our nation. These men and women—our veterans—sacrifice time with their families, the comforts of home, and their very safety in the name of freedom. Today our country stops to recognize their service. It is Congress’ responsibility to ensure our veterans receive the benefits and recognition that they deserve when they return home from the front lines.
Last year, we were all disturbed to learn that thousands of veterans waited more than 90 days to see a doctor at the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) health care facilities. In the aftermath of these revelations, I led the New Jersey delegation in demanding answers about the VA health care facilities that service New Jersey veterans to ensure our heroes are receiving the best possible care.
In addition to this request, the House of Representatives took legislative action. We built on last year’s Veterans’ Access to Choice and Accountability Act by passing the VA Accountability Act of 2015. These pieces of legislation would help get veterans off wait lists and expand the VA secretary’s ability to fire employees who have been negligent in serving veterans.
I am also a cosponsor of the Keeping our Promises to Veterans Act and the Military SAVE Act. These bills would expand the eligibility for participation in the Veteran Choice Program by allowing veterans to find health care outside the VA health care system that is closer to home and by shortening wait time goals from 30 to 15 days.
Finally, if you or someone you know is a veteran that is having a difficult time with the VA or other federal agencies, please let me help. My offices in Newton and Glen Rock have helped countless veterans receive the benefits they’ve earned and they’re available to you any time.
While many of us hear about the threats facing our country, these brave men and women have come face to face with them. They looked our enemies in the eyes and took a stand against tyranny, violence, oppression, and terror. Today we thank our veterans for preserving the rights and freedoms we hold dear. May God bless our veterans, and may God bless the United States of America.