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Reader claims Ridgewood BOE direction will change in April as the Majority rules


“Someone wrote: “I’m sure Mr. Dani woke up this morning to the realization that his embarrassing failure was directly attributable to the very people that thought bullying people on social media into silence was his path to success. All reasonable people looked at the unhinged behavior of the people he aligned himself with and said we have serious work to do here. No wonder they went in a different direction.”

This is such flawed reasoning that it is laughable. Only four people voted for the candidate last night. Hundreds of people spoke and wrote in support of Mr. Dani. His path to success, as you anonymously mis-state, is that he is greatly admired by so many people. The four pitiful idiots on the board, who are not clear thinkers, are threatened by a smart and sensible person like Mr. Dani, which is why they did not vote for him. They went in the same tired direction they always go.

That direction will change in April. Majority rules. Those four are nothing.”

6 thoughts on “Reader claims Ridgewood BOE direction will change in April as the Majority rules

  1. Fake News! Nothing’s going to change.

  2. Calling them pitiful idiots is out of line, but it’s true that blew a chance to have a really qualified guy – Saurabh Dani – join their crew. Hopefully he will run in April.
    And as far as the comment “his embarrassing failure was directly attributable to the very people that thought bullying people on social media into silence was his path to success. All reasonable people looked at the unhinged behavior of the people he aligned himself with and said we have serious work to do here. No wonder they went in a different direction.”… I’ve been to lots of Council and Bd of Ed meetings – Dani is never rude or disrespectful or even raises his voice. And if you really read the FB pages he participates in, he is the one that engages politely with facts, trying to find out what they are trying to say. It’s not fair to say he behaves the way some other posters behave ot to lump him in with them. It’s not accurate.

  3. Thank you Jane Shinozuka!

  4. For better or worse It’s guilt by association. He was never rude or over the top but you can not say the same about number of his allies in cyberspace . The next election will likely not be a rubber stamp event so there is upside in 2020

  5. The psyche of most volunteer school boards is often very flawed, it’s the exception not the rule that you have a board that is not more concerned with their own power and influence than the mission of the board. The Ridgewood BOE is no different, the majority is driven by ego, and to vote on a new interim member [Dani] who is void of ‘ego’, and is focused on the ‘mission’, would directly affect their ability to wield power and influence, so it’s logical that they would not want Dani on “their” board. It’s unfortunate, but common, that board members come to enjoy the “power trip”. They generally start-off well meaning, and then veer of into this unfortunate course, where what is important is no longer the mission and the children, but what they mistakenly perceive as ‘power’. This makes it of crucial importance that come April, the majority makes their voice heard, and loudly, in a decisive fashion. The consequences of letting the Ridgewood BOE continue to run in this unchecked fashion can negatively affect the Ridgewood community for many years.

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