file photo by Boyd Loving
October 17,2017
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, The Village Of Ridgewood has a number of streams with a flood plain associated with it, Ho-Ho-Kus Brook, Saddle River, Goffle Brook, Diamond Brook, and SproutBrook a nondelineated stream behind Gateway Road.
These streams are limited in capacity and tend to exceed there banks during heavy rain falls similiar to Tropical Storm Floyd on September 16, 1999 and Hurricane Irene on August 28, 2011 (both of which can be considered a 100 year flood event). Additionally, the Nor’easter on April 15, 2007 can be considered a 20 year storm event.
As each storm event varies in duration and inches of rainfall, flow varies through each section of the stream dependant on flow restrictions ie, bridges, culverts, dams and weirs. Preventitive maintenance to keep these areas clear is the Village’s primary goal in keeping flooding to the minimum.
Flood information for the Village is available in the Engineering Division Office. Flood maps from FEMA and the New Jersey Department Of Environmental Protection are available. Documentation from FEMA is available stating the property and/or structure is located in the floodplain.
Flood Insurance
The Village of Ridgewood participates in the Community Rating System (CRS) and has a rating of Class 7, which is administered by the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Because we participate in the CRS program, anyone in the Village of Ridgewood can purchase flood insurance. Please note that standard homeowner’s insurance does not cover damage from floods. Most homeowner’s who have paid off their homes do not continue the flood insurance as required by most mortgage companies. Here are some common Myths and Facts about the National Flood Insurance Program.
Flood Plain Resources
Bergen County Preliminary Flood Map – These are the proposed flood maps for 2017.
Map of Ridgewood Homes in the Flood Plain circa 2006 – link to follow
USGS Saddle River Flood Gauge
USGS HoHoKus Brook Flood Gauge
Community Outreach Resources
Annual Letter to Residents in the Flood Plain 2016
Annual Letter to Realtors 2016
Repetitive Loss Outreach Letter 2016
Flood Plain Management Plan
Flood Plain Management Plan 2015 Annual Report
Elevation Certificates for Homes in the Flood Fringe – link to follow
Open Space Lands within the Flood Plain – link to follow
NEW!!! Hurricane Sandy Mitigation Assessment Team Report
FEMA P-942, Mitigation Assessment Team Report: Hurricane Sandy in New Jersey and New York
FEMA Building Science & Resources
Flood Plain Regulations
NJDEP – NEW 2016 Flood Hazard Area Control Act Rules N.J.A.C.7:13
NJDEP – Division of Land Use Regulation
E-Code for Village of Ridgewood, NJ
International Residential Code 2015, New Jersey Edition – See section R322 on page 59
FEMA Flood Guidance Manuals
Flood Insurance: Top 10 Things Every Homeowner Should Know
FEMA – What to do before, during and after
FEMA Fact Sheet – Cleaning Flooded Buildings
FEMA Map Service Center
Floodsmart.gov – Facts & Statistics
National Weather Service
American Red Cross
Bergen County Office of Emergency Management