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Massive School Bond Initiative Fails


the staff of the Ridgewood blog 

Cherry Hill NJ, In a victory for common sense and fiscal prudence on Tuesday, December 11th, voters in Cherry Hill, Manalapan, Englishtown, Plumsted, Ringwood and Wanaque voted down $257.2 million in new spending for the four school districts representing those towns.

In Princeton, the measure to spend $27 million did pass a greatly reduced amount from the $130 million originally sought .

Perhaps New Jersey Voters and Taxpayers are starting to wake up? 

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Reader says spending more on schools means NOTHING if the kid doesn’t want to learn


Reader says spending more on schools means NOTHING if the kid doesn’t want to learn.

Paying more does not mean services are better.

A teacher making less doesn’t say screw it I’m not going to do my job.
Just because I have rich neighbors doesn’t mean I should pay our municipal employees more than other towns in NJ, I think you will find proof that extra spending does nothing as far as the ‘end result’.

Just look at Paterson, which thanks to the ‘Abbot ruling’ spends the same or more than any Bergen county town on their students (using NJ state funds)
The students do not do well on state tests despite having money pissed away on their behalf.

I’m told by a former teacher there that the only requirement for advancement to the next grade is attendance.

So spending more means NOTHING if the kid doesn’t want to learn.