Reader says, PJ, you are about to become “nationally known”, if you weren’t before…:
Full Title: The Department Of Homeland Security Plans To Compile A List Of All Bloggers, Journalists And “Social Media Influencers”
Many were hoping that once Barack Obama was out of office we would see less of this Big Brother surveillance nonsense, but instead it seems to be getting even worse. In fact, the Department of Homeland Security has just announced that it intends to compile a comprehensive list of hundreds of thousands of “journalists, editors, correspondents, social media influencers, bloggers etc.”, and collect any “information that could be relevant” about them. So if you have a website, an important blog or you are just very active on social media, the Department of Homeland Security is going to put you on a list and will start collecting information about you. The DHS has already announced that it will hire a contractor to aid in monitoring media coverage, and they will definitely need plenty of help because it is going to be a very big job…
(Excerpt) Read more at endoftheamericandream.com