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Nothing like a little sour grapes…


Nothing like a little sour grapes…

Valley supporters continue to attack this blog and the the “mean spirited anonymous posters ” for their utter failure to aggrandize them selfs with an over sized monstrosity .

The Ridgewood Planning Board summed it up best ,“The impacts from this amendment are detrimental to the community,” end of story.

We are told the failure of this plan had nothing to do with the fact that it was ill advised, ill planned, and poorly executed . 

And that Valley and its supporters behaved  behaved like a bunch of spoiled 2 year old brats with their  ,gimme gimme gimme attitude .  

Valley in it unlimited arrogance even when as far as to demand the Village comply with their business plan. Apparently that included destroying the character of the Village.

Valley supporters even went as far as to purchase anonymous IP’s from hacker and spammer sites  so as to attack residents on this blog  I remind you of all the “thats what happens when you buy cheap houses near a hospital”  posts .

And while we would love to take al the credit , for blocking the ill suited expansion , groups like CRR  did most of the heavy lifting .

The fact that a $100 million dollar hospital could not get this done says far more about management and strategy than anonymous posts .

Unlike the sports people who love send derogatory emails to peoples employers or the schools system that picks on your kids if you speak out of line , the Ridgewood blog has not engaged in any of this “COWARDLY” behavior.
Posters can remain anonymous to protect them selves  from unscrupulous bullies , like the RBSA , BOE and Valley Hospital .
cry me a river>>>>>next time do your job!

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