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Reader says I want the VC to stick to issues of improving quality-of-life issues, not wasting time on “Animal Farm” group pandering

Alexandra Harwin

Mrs. Valdes, I believe James (and the “staff”) were pointing out the irony of the exclusivity inherent in the actions of the “inclusive” crowd, demonstrating how difficult it is to represent all citizens when you seek to divide them into aggrieved groups for purely political gain. I’ve got a unique idea, let’s just fly the American flag over Village Hall (quelle horreur!) as a symbol that all citizens of the Village are valued, not just those the Left values (in line with that “regressive” and antiquated, but truly inclusive “E. Pluribus Unum” thingy)? Honestly, I cannot even conceive of anything more trivial these matters are. The fact that we are even discussing this tripe shows how bad things will get if we elect “Social Justice Warriors” such as Harwin to the VC. The roads will still be bad, the same debates over parking, bloated school budgets and overdevelopment will rage, but we will be knee-deep in the divisive identity politics which has made normal social interaction stunted in this country. Why did we need to have this silly debate over a flag over Village Hall anyway? Are we going to fly flags in support on our non-LGBTQ citizens as well? Does Ridgewood have some history of anti-LGBTQ pogroms that I haven’t heard about? Thanks, but no thanks. I want the VC to stick to issues of improving quality-of-life issues, not wasting time on “Animal Farm” group pandering (I submit your INGSOC-esque “secondary marginalization” comment as a tiny preview of what we can expect) and speech codes to stifle legitimate debate by candidates using the Village as a stepping stone into state and national office.