July 12,2017
the staff of the Ridgewood
Ridgewood NJ, This is the 7th Season of Movies in the Park! Join the Ridgewoood Guild in Memorial Park at Van Neste Square for family fun and entertainment. We show films great for the whole family on a 25 foot screen and professional sound system. Bring snacks, a picnic blanket, and get ready for a great evening with your community. All movies are on Wednesdays and start at sundown (approximately 9pm in June and July and 8:30pm in August). In case of rain (or other inclement weather), or the latest information, check our Facebook page, or back here for the rescheduling of the movie.
Come early and enjoy the wonderfully decorated Van Neste and enjoy the candy, ice cream, trivia contest – maybe you’ll be one of the lucky winners of Kilwin’s 5 Golden Tickets! Rain date: Thursday 7/13