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ridgewood water

photo by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, This is a reminder that Stage II water restrictions remain in effect for the last 15 years.


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Ridgewood Water Customers its 2021 and Stage II Restrictions are Still in Effect

ridgewood water

file photo by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, as the weather gets warmer it is important to remember that Stage II restrictions (2 days per week irrigation) were imposed in June 2016 and are still in effect in Glen Rock, Midland Park, Ridgewood and Wyckoff.  Without these restrictions, the use of drinking water for irrigation will continue increasing toward levels that are unsustainable regardless of drought conditions.   To reverse this trend, an ordinance was approved by the Village Council on April 12, 2017 to amend the provisions governing Watering and Water Emergencies in the Village of Ridgewood Code.  Changes include:

Continue reading Ridgewood Water Customers its 2021 and Stage II Restrictions are Still in Effect

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Ridgewood Water Stage 2 water restrictions are still in effect

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewood Water is reminding that Stage 2 water restrictions are still in effect.

Speaking of water there have been several complaints from customers of Ridgewood Water, water quality and drink-ability  . The issue should become even larger as the high density housing comes on line.

Continue reading Ridgewood Water Stage 2 water restrictions are still in effect

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Reminder Ridgewood Water Customers are on Stage II restrictions

ridgewood water

April 15,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewood Water Customers, Stage II restrictions (2 days per week irrigation) were imposed in June 2016 and are still in effect in Glen Rock, Midland Park, Ridgewood and Wyckoff. Without these restrictions, the use of drinking water for irrigation will continue increasing toward levels that are unsustainable regardless of drought conditions. To reverse this trend, an ordinance was approved by the Village Council on April 12, 2017 to amend the provisions governing Watering and Water Emergencies in the Village of Ridgewood Code. Changes include:

Making 2 days per week irrigation permanent year round,
Restricting irrigation hours to limit losses to evaporation,
Restricting irrigation using private wells to 2 days a week,
Adding new exemptions, including drip irrigation and smart controllers.

This ordinance became effective on May 2, 2017 and applies only to Ridgewood, but it is expected that the Boroughs of Glen Rock and Midland Park, and the Township of Wyckoff will enact similar rules as they have in the past. Questions can be directed to Ridgewood Water at 201-670-5521 or

*Exemptions will not be granted June 1st through September 20th, unless the work is required as part of new construction.

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Ridgewood Water Customers Stage II restrictions (2 days per week irrigation) are Still in Effect

ridgewood water

June 13,2017

Attention: Ridgewood Water Customers

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Stage II restrictions (2 days per week irrigation) were imposed in June 2016 and are still in effect in Glen Rock, Midland Park, Ridgewood and Wyckoff.  Without these restrictions, the use of drinking water for irrigation will continue increasing toward levels that are unsustainable regardless of drought conditions.   To reverse this trend, an ordinance was approved by the Village Council on April 12, 2017 to amend the provisions governing Watering and Water Emergencies in the Village of Ridgewood Code.  Changes include:

Making 2 days per week irrigation permanent year round,
Restricting irrigation hours to limit losses to evaporation,
Restricting irrigation using private wells to 2 days a week,
Adding new exemptions, including drip irrigation and smart controllers.

This ordinance became effective on May 2, 2017 and applies only to Ridgewood, but it is expected that the Boroughs of Glen Rock and Midland Park, and the Township of Wyckoff will enact similar rules as they have in the past.  Below is the approved ordinance.  Questions can be directed to Ridgewood Water at 201-670-5521 or

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Ridgewood Water – Stage II Restrictions Remain in Effect Until Further Notice*

Ridgewood water

Dear Ridgewood Water Customers:

The hot weather and limited rainfall has led to a big increase in water use for irrigating. At the same time, the rainfall and groundwater status as monitored by NJDEP has recently been downgraded from “near normal” to “moderately dry.” Stage I restrictions have not moderated the water demand enough to maintain reserves for firefighting and other emergencies, so Ridgewood Water is implementing Stage II restrictions. Stage II limits the use of water for irrigation to two days per week. If your street address is an odd number, you may irrigate on Tuesdays and Saturdays only. If your street address is an even number, you may irrigate on Wednesdays and Sundays only. A hand held hose may be used at any time. No irrigation is allowed on Mondays, Thursdays, or Fridays except for a hand held hose.

We appreciate your cooperation in conserving this vital, shared resource.

*Please DISREGARD the notice published in the Village Calendar about Water restrictions ending in September. Stage II Water Restrictions remain until further notice.

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Ridgewood Water – Stage II Restrictions


Dear Ridgewood Water Customers:

The hot weather and limited rainfall has led to a big increase in water use for irrigating. At the same time, the rainfall and groundwater status as monitored by NJDEP has recently been downgraded from “near normal” to “moderately dry.” Stage I restrictions have not moderated the water demand enough to maintain reserves for firefighting and other emergencies, so Ridgewood Water is implementing Stage II restrictions. Stage II limits the use of water for irrigation to two days per week. If your street address is an odd number, you may irrigate on Tuesdays and Saturdays only. If your street address is an even number, you may irrigate on Wednesdays and Sundays only. A hand held hose may be used at any time. No irrigation is allowed on Mondays, Thursdays, or Fridays except for a hand held hose.

We appreciate your cooperation in conserving this vital, shared resource.