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How to Protect Your Lawn and Garden with Proper Irrigation Systems

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Creating and maintaining a vibrant lawn and flourishing garden requires more than good weather and a green thumb. A proper irrigation system is essential to ensure your outdoor spaces receive the right amount of water consistently. With the correct irrigation strategy, you can protect your landscaping from overwatering, underwatering, and seasonal challenges, all while saving time and resources.

In this guide, we’ll explore how to safeguard your lawn and garden with expertly designed irrigation systems and why choosing professionals like Casas Irrigation Drainage and More in Frisco, TX, makes all the difference.

Continue reading How to Protect Your Lawn and Garden with Proper Irrigation Systems

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What it Takes to Get a Permit for your “Smart Controller” from Ridgewood Water

ridgewood water

file photo by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, as previously reported on numerous occasions  Ridgewood Water has limited watering  to 2 Days per week . ODD numbered addresses may water their lawns, shrubs, flowers and trees on Tuesday and Saturday, and EVEN numbered addresses may do so on Wednesday and Sunday. No irrigation is allowed on Monday, Thursday and Friday. Irrigation shall be performed before 10:00 a.m. or after 6:00 p.m., to limit evaporation. Those with automatic irrigation systems and those with Smart Controllers may only water between the hours of 3:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. You must register your Smart Controllers, on an annual basis, with Ridgewood Water.

Continue reading What it Takes to Get a Permit for your “Smart Controller” from Ridgewood Water

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ridgewood water

photo by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, This is a reminder that Stage II water restrictions remain in effect for the last 15 years.


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Ridgewood Water – Stage II Restrictions


Dear Ridgewood Water Customers:

The hot weather and limited rainfall has led to a big increase in water use for irrigating. At the same time, the rainfall and groundwater status as monitored by NJDEP has recently been downgraded from “near normal” to “moderately dry.” Stage I restrictions have not moderated the water demand enough to maintain reserves for firefighting and other emergencies, so Ridgewood Water is implementing Stage II restrictions. Stage II limits the use of water for irrigation to two days per week. If your street address is an odd number, you may irrigate on Tuesdays and Saturdays only. If your street address is an even number, you may irrigate on Wednesdays and Sundays only. A hand held hose may be used at any time. No irrigation is allowed on Mondays, Thursdays, or Fridays except for a hand held hose.

We appreciate your cooperation in conserving this vital, shared resource.