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Matrix New World Engineering Announces Partnership With Great Ecology On True Environmental Platform

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ , Matrix New World Engineering (Matrix) is pleased to announce its new partnership with Great Ecology & Environments, Inc (Great Ecology), a full-service environmental and ecological services consulting firm.

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Schedler Friends Issue a Call to Action

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Schedler Friends issue a call to action on the introduction of a bond ordinance for work at the Schedler property and the resubmitted  SHPO application.

The Village of Ridgewood submitted a revised application to the State Historic Preservation Office regarding this project.  The revision includes an independent assessment conducted by Suburban Consulting Engineers, Inc. relative to fturf field use in the Village, which addresses comments made by the Historic Preservation Office in a letter dated March 22, 2024.

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Sierra Club, a National Environmental Organization with Strong Grassroots in New Jersey, joins forces to stop the Schedler plan

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Sierra Club has jumped in the fight to stop artificial turf at the historic Schedler property in Ridgewood!

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Village Council Moves to Replace Village Historian and Rewrite American History

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, looking like a bunch of pathetic cry babies ,(TONIGHT)Wednesday’s Village of Ridgewood council meeting will feature discussions on the appointment of a new village historian, a topic triggered by a letter from current historians Peggy Norris and Joe Suplicki to Katherine Marcopul of the State Historic Preservation Office.

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Thousands of Dollars of Shrubbery Has Died on the Berm at Schedler Park in Ridgewood

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, once Major League Baseball star Tug McGraw when he was asked whether he preferred grass or Astroturf replied : “I dunno. I never smoked any Astroturf.” While the Village debates the soundness of the idea of putting a turf field on Route 17 , thousands of dollars of shrubbery on the berm has died . Apparently neglect ,high winds, no water and poor air quality did them in.

Continue reading Thousands of Dollars of Shrubbery Has Died on the Berm at Schedler Park in Ridgewood