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Reader says time for Roberta, Willets and Weitz to step down Financial Advisory Committee

Village Council Candidate Janice Willet snoozed

pleasant dreams 

Roberta, Willets and Weitz should step down.

The committee members who signed those advertisements and letters to the editor should also resign. As citizens they have a right to free speech. They signed those letters as advisory committee members going.

They were never an independent voice. Their mission should be defined, their minutes should be public. Otherwise they are political hacks.

All boards should have by laws and minutes.

The FAC seems like a tool of the council and not an independent body. They did not help to dispel this image when two members ran for council supported by the current council majority. Their letters to the editor in support of the council majority causes showed that they did not exercise good judgment.

They seemed to be doing favors for each other.

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Citing four years of losses, GOP officials call on Bergen chairman to step down

Bob_yudin_the ridgewoodblog

Bergen County GOP Chairman Bob Yudin
Citing four years of losses, GOP officials call on Bergen chairman to step down

NOVEMBER 4, 2015, 9:20 PM    LAST UPDATED: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2015, 10:30 PM

Citing four years of losses by their party in Bergen County elections, three Republicans officials Wednesday called on County Chairman Bob Yudin to step down, including one – Wyckoff Mayor Kevin Rooney – who announced plans to challenge him for the job.

Yudin dismissed the critics, saying that such comments were to be expected after a defeat. He blamed the party’s losses in Tuesday’s freeholder election largely on being outspent 7-1 by the Democrats.

“It’s almost impossible for us to win county wide because of the huge sums that are coming in,” Yudin said Wednesday, citing support the Democrats got from labor unions.