file photo then Freehold John Mitch visiting the property with Village representatives
The Historic Zabriskie-Schedler House is not “a crumbling 200-year-old house”, in fact, the information could not be more inaccurate. There is a structural investigation I would love to give the Record that clearly reaffirms the structural integrity of the 1820’s historic house. We can always find space for a 90′ multi-purpose field in a much better location but the destruction of an Historic house is a final death sentence for the Village and for history.. The Zabriskie-Schedler House has already been included in the Village of Ridgewood Master Plan, under “Historic Preservation Plan Element” the Village’s list of historic sites under the following criteria:
A. Important to the general development of the area and the unique cultural heritage of the community.
B. Significant example of an architectural style or period.
C. Representative example of vernacular architecture of the area.
This information has recently been reaffirmed during the re-examination of the Master Plan.
Funds are needed urgently to stabilize the Historic Zabriskie-Schedler House. Last year, The Ridgewood Historic Commission echoed the concerns of many village residents and submitted a request for a “Certificate of Eligibility”. This request was granted and on May 2, 2014 by the Department of Environmental Protection, Natural and Historic Resources, Historic Preservation Office, Trenton. The letter states, among other historic attributes, that “the Zabriskie-Schedler House is individually eligible for listing in New Jersey and in the National Register of Historic Places under Criterion C as an example of third period Jersey Dutch framed houses.