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Village of Ridgewood Election Information

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photo by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ., The November 3, 2020 General Election is primarily a Vote by Mail Election.  ALL REGISTERED VOTERS HAVE RECEIVED A VOTE-BY-MAIL BALLOT.  If you have not already done so, you may return your postage paid Mail-in ballot in the following ways.

Continue reading Village of Ridgewood Election Information

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The Bergen County Board of Elections is currently recruiting poll workers

Cemetery ArtChick

September 26,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The Bergen County Board of Elections is currently recruiting poll workers. This important civic responsibility is open to all registered voters in Bergen County. It is vital to the democratic process to recruit and train reliable poll workers.

In order to be eligibility, you must meet the following criteria:

Must be able to work from approximately 5 AM to 9 PM on election day.
Must be able to read and speak English.
Must be registered to vote in Bergen County.
Must complete a 2-hour Poll Worker Training Class.

Duties include but are not limited to:

Arriving at 5:15 AM to set up machines, poll books and other material at designated polling district.
voters and/or activate machine to receive voters.
If necessary, assist voters in the operation of the electronic voting machine.
Answer voter’s procedural questions.
Close polls at the end of the day which may include delivering materials to borough hall.

How to Apply:

Call the Board of Elections at 201-336-6235 or 201-336-6230
Complete the Poll Worker Application available here   and fax to 201-336-6242 or mail to
Bergen County Board of Elections, One Bergen County Plaza, 3rd Floor, Room 310, Hackensack, NJ 07601
Upon approval of your application, you will be scheduled for a Poll Worker Training Class.
After successful completion of training class, you will be assigned to a polling site and contacted with this information.


$200 for Primary and General Elections.