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Evidence Mounts Of A Cover-Up On the Origin of COVID


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, British scientist Matt Ridley says we are closer than ever to discovering the origins of COVID-19. A leak from the Wuhan laboratory is the most likely origin, especially after a long search for an animal host has failed completely.

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More Real Science Demonstrating the Failure of COVID Lockdowns

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, Governments all over the world have studied the COVID-19 pandemic from every angle but one. Governments have avoided publishing a realistic cost-benefit analysis of their lockdowns because the politicians are afraid that the results of “the science” will confirm the real costs of many of their draconian policies.

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The Trump Administration Orders hospitals to bypass the CDC when sharing COVID-19 data with the US government


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the debate has begun to rage over the accuracy of the COVID 19 numbers, both for deaths and number of cases .  many claim there is an inconsistency with data collection with  some states count presumed coronavirus deaths along with confirmed cases under the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance issued last month and other states don’t count those deaths.

Continue reading The Trump Administration Orders hospitals to bypass the CDC when sharing COVID-19 data with the US government