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Village of Ridgewood Moves Forward with the Repair of the East Saddle River Road Footbridge

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, residents in the area of Ridgewood between West and East Saddle River Roads are finally getting a new foot bridge .The Ridgewood Village Council unanimously voted to repair East Saddle River Road Footbridge (a.k.a. the Kingsbridge Footbridge) versus replacing it .Many students, commuters and residents are looking forward to the footbridge being operational again. Residents grew frustrated and felt they were being stonewalled by the engineering department as to when work would be started on the bridge.

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Reader says The council were fooled on how the original ordinance was implemented on Bogart and Cambridge

village Council

Bogart/Cambridge is less a council issue. The council were fooled on how the original ordinance was implemented. The Village Engineer decided it was easier to just to have no parking 500 feet down each street which he admitted to at the council meeting. Regardless of who did what, the majority of the neighbors on the blocks affected we’re never informed of what was going on. Communication was abysmal, that should be a council issue moving forward. Kudos to the Mayor for suggesting a new form and process be followed, but the people affected by these decisions should also have input into the decision making process. Aren’t they supposedly working for ALL of the people in the village.