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“Spirit of America’s Story”


the Staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The Spirit of America’s Story: The Wall is a Traveling Exhibit Commemorating Our Country’s Fight for Freedom from 1775 to Present Day , “The Wall is a richly illustrated visual story of America’s struggles for freedom, a visual walk through our country’s history and our fight to be free. Our goal is to capture and preserve the spirit, the sacrifices and rich history of the American people. We do this by honoring those men and women in uniformed service who have and are currently serving and protecting our way of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness both here and abroad.” (Quotation excerpted from Courtesy of Stanley A. Kober.

Bethlehem Lutheran Church
Address: 155 Linwood Ave, Ridgewood, NJ 07450
November 12th thru November 18th ,2018

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The Spirit of America’s Story: The Wall is a Traveling Exhibit Commemorating Our Country’s Fight for Freedom from 1775 to Present Day

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June 30,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, “The Wall is a richly illustrated visual story of America’s struggles for freedom, a visual walk through our country’s history and our fight to be free. Our goal is to capture and preserve the spirit, the sacrifices and rich history of the American people. We do this by honoring those men and women in uniformed service who have and are currently serving and protecting our way of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness both here and abroad.” (Quotation excerpted from Courtesy of Stanley A. Kober .

The Wall is a visual timeline of every major conflict our country has ever faced and see the challenges our military had to overcome. Students of every age were impressed as well as the adults that viewed this display. They left with a clearer understanding of our history and a heartfelt response of patriotism. I cannot believe this group came to our school and did this for such a low cost. They were with us all day, presented to every group that dropped by and then stayed for our evening band concert and presented to all parents that attended. Very professional!” —Teacher