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“Two Masks Are Better than One” , Fauci has spoken !

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Health “experts” now claim two masks are better than one. Following the razor blade theory  of the more blades give you a closer shave  Dr. Anthony Fauci doubled down on masks on  Monday saying  two face masks are better than one.  The “infectious diseases specialist” advised that double-masking is a logical way to curb the spread of the coronavirus.

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Ridgewood’s Bogg Bag gets praise on the Today Show

Ridgewood's Bogg Bag gets praise on the Today Show
photos courtesy of Bogg Bag’s Facebook page
October 25,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewood’s Boog Bag get praised on the Today Show . After originally creating Bogg Bag for the beach, Bogg Bag has been chosen for so many,other uses. Amanda Fredericks a cancer survivor, used the Bogg Bag as a Chemo Bag, and is is now helping others prepare for a difficult time by filling our big, bright, washable (super important) Bogg Bag with the essentials needed for anyone undergoing treatment .  Hoda praised it today on the Today Show as one of her FAVORITE things. HOW AWESOME for Bogg Bag and Necessity Bags!

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According to their website the Bogg Bag came about  , “on a trip to the Jersey Shore, we realized we had forgotten the kids’ flip flops so we stopped at a local surf shop. My son came across a pair of those funny looking shoes that everyone was talking about and asked for those, so we bought 3 pairs. I became fascinated with the lightweight material and feel of their new shoes. My husband and I played with the shoes all day talking about how cool they were. It was then we had our AHA! Moment! THIS is what a beach bag should be made of!”
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