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President Trump Weighs TikTok’s Future , While Oracle Eyes Acquisition

larry ellison oracle

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

New York NY, U.S. President Donald Trump announced ongoing discussions regarding TikTok’s future, with a decision likely to be reached within the next 30 days. Speaking aboard Air Force One during a flight to Florida, Trump said, “I have spoken to many people about TikTok, and there is great interest in TikTok.”

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President Dispatches U.S. Navy hospital ship to New York Harbor

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photo courtesy of US Navy

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

New York NJ, U.S. President Donald Trump has agreed to dispatch a U.S. Navy hospital ship to New York Harbor to help ease crowded city hospitals. USNS Comfort, based in Norfolk, Virginia, is a ship with 1,000 beds and is currently being prepared to sail to New York.

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