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US Department of Energy Admits COVID-19 Pandemic was an Unintentional Lab Leak in China

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, well well well, looks like it was the “CHINA VIRUS” after all . The US Department of Energy concluded the most likely origin of the COVID-19 pandemic was an unintentional lab leak in China, according to sources citing a classified report. The findings reverse a 2021 analysis from the department but were said to have included new intelligence; specific details were not provided.  This is something many experts pointed too , but because the scientific debate was stifled and suppressed by the media and government officials reality gave way to models and profits.

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Floating Wind Farms Could Maximize Power Output

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, maximizing power output to make windmills more efficient and more profitable has plagued mankind since the age of Don Quixote. The expression ’tilting at windmills’ derives from Cervantes’ Don Quixote – first published in 1604, under the title The Ingenious Knight of La Mancha. The novel recounts the exploits of would-be knight ‘Don Quixote’ and his loyal servant Sancho Panza who propose to fight injustice through chivalry. The symbolism for Don Quixote battle with windmills is not over looked by modern technologists.

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