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Tenafly Voters Approve $76 Million School Improvement Proposal in Close Vote

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Tenafly NJ, in a closely contested referendum, Tenafly voters have officially approved a $76 million proposal for school improvements. The final results, certified on Wednesday, came after a nail-biting vote on Sept. 17 that was too close to call on election night. After all mail-in and provisional ballots were counted, the proposal was passed by a slim margin of 1,199 votes in favor and 1,187 opposed.

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Health Experts : Improve Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation, and Filtration to Stem the Transmission of COVID

the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, according to Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security ,scientific evidence increasingly supports the theory that the primary mode of SARS-CoV-2 transmission is through airborne infectious aerosols passed from person-to-person, according to some researchers. In three separate pieces published last week, experts outlined reasoning and evidence supporting SARS-CoV-2 transmission from both near-field and far-field aerosols. In a commentary published April 15 in The Lancet, researchers from the UK, US, and Canada present 10 reasons backing airborne transmission. In another piece published online in JAMA on April 16, experts from Harvard University and the University of Michigan describe the rationale for improving air circulation and filtration in indoor spaces to reduce far-field transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and other respiratory infectious diseases. While noting that airborne viral particles are a significant route of SARS-CoV-2 transmission and calling for improved air ventilation in indoor spaces, experts from the UK, US, and China in an editorial published April 14 in The BMJ also underline the significance of mask quality and fit.

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How to Assess and Improve Air Quality Inside a Laboratory

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Laboratories are among the most important facilities, especially in the modern-day world. Whether it is a chemical, medical, biological, or physical lab, one thing is for sure. There’s a high likelihood that the work done there involves the use of potentially harmful chemicals or dangerous substances. In some cases, lab work involves handling dangerous, toxic, or hazardous material as specimens, reagents, or test subjects.

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Why Keeping Indoor Air Is Good for You (And How You Can Do It)

h2o 750ml capacity ultrasonic air humidifier

If you think that once you’re home you’ll be safe from pollution, think again. 

Shockingly enough, research has shown that our indoor air may contain an even higher percentage of pollution. Failing to keep a clean and healthy indoor environment will show its effect on our health in many ways. 

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photo by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

The CDC has published updated guidance regarding school openings. The updated guidance provides additional recommendations for a myriad of topics, including ventilation, food service, and mask use as schools continue to prepare and implement their plans to start the 2020-21 school year. The guidance also expands on previous iterations regarding students with “special healthcare needs and disabilities” with a new section dedicated to these challenges. Schools may need to develop individualized plans for some students and staff, including those with limited mobility, those with visual or hearing impairments, those with underlying health conditions, or those who may have difficulties understanding or adapting to new routines. The information notes that some individuals may struggle with social distancing or isolation or mask use, or they may need additional visual or verbal reminders or assistance implementing the school’s social distancing protocols. The information also links to guidance regarding protections related to service animals.