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Glen Rock’s Crossing Guards were honored at a Luncheon

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photo courtesy of the Glen Rock Police Department

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Glen Rock NJ, on the afternoon of June 23rd, following the last day of school, Glen Rock’s Crossing Guards were honored at a Luncheon courtesy of Victor Quinn at the Glen Rock Inn.

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Glen Rock’s Crossing Guards Honored at Luncheon

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photo courtesy of Glen Rock Police
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Glen Rock NJ, on the afternoon of June 24, 2021, following the last day of the school year, Glen Rock’s Crossing Guards were honored at a luncheon courtesy of Victor Quinn at the Glen Rock Inn, a long-standing tradition.
Adult school crossing guards, first established in Glen Rock during the early 1950’s, play an important role in the lives of our school children. They help them safely cross the street at key locations.

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